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Unit 1 Vocab

sports, describing things

something algo
some alguno
to walk andar
the anscestors los antepasados
to appreciate apreciar
although aunque
to go canoeing bajar un río en canoa
to scuba dive bucear
to walk caminar
content contento
to run correr
caves cuevas
to give dar
to tell/say decir
the team sports los deportes de equipo
the individual sports los deportes individuales
to snowboard deslizarse en la nieve
to say good-bye despedirse
to have fun divertirse
to sleep dormir
selfish egoísta
enchanting, charming encantador
the running of the bulls el encierro
sick enfermo
to train oneself entrenarse
it's boring es aburrido
it's horrible es horrible
it's bad es malo
to ice climb escalar en hielo
to climb escalar
written escrito
the spectacle el espectáculo
to be estar
to be in shape estar en forma
this esto
the expense el gasto
generous generoso
handsome guapo
to do/make hacer
have lived han vivido
the language el idioma
to go ir
the legend la leyenda
more or less (about, approximately) más o menos
...bores me (seems boring to me) me aburra...
i am nauseated by... me da asco
i don't like me disgusta
i love me encanta
i am fascinated by me fascina
i like me gusta
...interests me me interesa...
to die morir
nervous nervioso
none no...ninguno
never no...nunca
no one no...nadie
not at all, not a thing no...para nada...
not yet no...todavía
sentences oraciones
proud orgulloso
the country el país
not at all para nada
to spend time with friends pasar tiempo con los amigos
to ask for pedir
lazy perezoso
the paintings las pinturas
to be able to poder
to put poner
to prefer preferir
how awesome qué cheveré
how super qué padre
how cool qué pleno
to want querer
the speed la rapidez
the reward la recompensa
to know saber
they hug each other se abrazan
they write to each other se escriben
they talk to each other se hablan
according to según
to feel well sentirse bien
to feel badly sentirse mal
to be ser
serious serio
to serve servir
the centuries los siglos
to go up subir
the windsurf board la tabla de vela
as many tantos
to feel like tener ganas de
still todavía
the bulls los toros
hardworking trabajador
sad triste
brave valienete
to come venir
to see ver
no longer, no more ya no
Created by: studyspanish.123
Popular Spanish sets




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