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ESTAR + Emotions
Estar + terms used with "PLACE"
Term | Definition |
estar | to be |
yo estoy | I am |
tú estás | you are (informal) |
él / ella está | he / she is |
Ud. está | you (formal) are |
nosotros estamos | we are |
vosotros estáis | you (guys) are |
ellos /ellas están | they are |
Uds. están | you (all) are |
bien | well, fine |
así, así | so, so |
más o menos | so, so |
mal | bad |
triste | sad |
contento /a | happy, content |
feliz | happy |
enojado / a | mad, upset |
cansado /a | tired |
enfermo /a | sick |
aburrido /a | bored |
nervioso /a | nervous |
preocupado /a | worried |
confundido /a | confused |
asustado /a | afraid/scared |
ocupado /a | busy |
P | position |
L | location |
A | action in progress |
C | condition (physical) |
E | emotion |