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Unit 1B

bored aburrido
to get bored aburrirse
to go to bed acostarse
to eat well alimentarse bien
an ambulance una ambulancia
to analyze analizar
to get ready arreglarse
the assistant el/la asistente
to attend atender
balanced balanceada
to bathe oneself bañarse
a flag una bandera
the mouth la boca
the arms los brazos
the head la cabeza
to fall caerse
to walk caminar
tired cansado
to tire cansarse
the face la cara
a major area of study una carrera
the health center el centro de salud
to brush one's hair cepillarse
the check-up el chequeo
the waist la cintura
the elbow el codo
the cognate el cognado
the nutritious food la comida nutritiva
to meet each other conocerse
the heart el corazón
any cualquier
the neck el cuello
the body el cuerpo
to care for oneself cuidarse
to take a walk dar un paseo
in no way de ninguna manera
to decide decidir
the toe el dedo de pie
depressed deprimido
to rest descansar
to wake oneself up despertarse
the dictation el dictado
the tooth el diente
to enjoy oneself, to have fun divertirse
a doctor un doctor
to hurt doler
the headache dolor de cabeza
to sleep dormir
to fall asleep dormirse
to take a shower ducharse
the illness la enfermedad
the nurse la enfermera
sick enfermo
to write escribir
that eso
the back la espalda
the specialist el/la especialista
to be estar
to be on a diet estar a dieta
to be in a good mood estar de buen humor
to be in a bad mood estar de mal humor
to stretch estirarse
the stomach el estómago
happy feliz
the fever la fiebre
the background el fondo
the throat la garganta
the people la gente
serious grave
the flu la gripe
has had ha tenido
to speak hablar
to do, to make hacer
the shoulder el hombro
the hospital el hospital
the bone el hueso
to go ir
the lip el labio
to hurt oneself lastimarse
the tongue la lengua
to get up levantarse
the same lo mismo
the hands las manos
to maintain mantener
a doctor médico
get well soon méjorate pronto
to look at oneself mirarse
to bother molestar
the wrist la muñeca
to swim nadar
the nose la nariz
no, not any, none ninguno
the child el niño
nothing no... nada
no one no... nadie
never no... nunca
neither... nor no... ni... ni
the ears (inner) los oídos
the eye el ojo
the ear la oreja
the patient el paciente
to comb one's hair peinarse
to think pensar
the foot el pie
the skin la piel
the leg la pierna
to become ponerse
nowhere por ninguna parte
to stay quedarse
the x-ray la radiografía
the prescription la receta
the cold el resfriado
to check revisar
the knee la rodilla
broken roto
to go out, to leave salir
the health la salud
to heal oneself sanarse
the medical insurance el seguro médico
to feel well sentirse bien
to feel badly sentirse mal
to be ser
the heel (of the foot) el talón
neither tampoco
the technician el técnico
to have tener
to finish terminar
the ankle el tobillo
to take tomar
to turn, to twist torcer
the cough el tos
to work trabajar
the treatment el tratamiento
to treat tratar
sad triste
emergency urgencia
to see ver
to see one another verse
to dress oneself vestirse
no longer ya no
the cast el yeso
Created by: studyspanish.123
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