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Currywurst Vocab

Drill IV (1 and 2)

Tomatenmark Tomato paste
Gewürzen Spices
Geheimen Secret
Die Essgewohnheiten Eating habits
Anmelden To register
Patentamt Patent office
schossen wir Pilze aus dem Boden sprouted up like mushrooms
verregnet Rainy
Der Stadtteil City district
Die Langweile Boredom
Verbreiten To spread
Die Kette Chain
Das Fertiggericht Ready meal
Anbieten To offer
Die Erfindung Invention
das Gericht Dish
die Entstehung appearance
der Zufall coincidence
stolpern to stumble
die Dose Tim can
mischen to mix
scharf Spicy
ab sofort with immediate effect
in grossen Mengen In a big amount
ueberleben To survive
vor allem Above all
Der Deserteur deserter
die Sorgen The sorrows
tatsaechlich actually
der Unterschied difference
bestreuen to sprinkle
satt full
die Schicht shift
etwas zu kauen something to chew
blau drunk
flau sluggish
nach meinem Geschmack to my taste
ausrutschen to slip
Created by: luciepike
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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