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La Rutina Diaria
Unit 5 Lesson 1
Term | Definition |
acotarse (o->ue) | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave oneself |
despertarse (e->ie) | to wake up |
banarse | to take a bath |
ducharse | to take a shower |
lavarse | to wash oneself |
lavarse la cabeza | to wash ones hair |
lavarse los dientes | to brush one's teeth |
levantarse | to get up |
maquillarse | to put on makeup |
peinarse | to comb one's hair |
ponerse la ropa | to get dressed |
secarse | to dry oneself |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar los platas | to wash the dishes |
limpiar el cuarto | to clean the room |
limpio(a) | clean |
los que hacerea | chores |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
sucio(a) | dirty |
el cepillo (de dientes) | brush (toothbrush) |
el champu | shampoo |
el espejo | mirror |
el jabon | soap |
la pasta de dientes | tooth paste |
el peine | comb |
el secador el pelo | hair dryer |
la toalla | towel |
la boca | mouth |
el brazo | arm |
la cabeza | head |
la cara | face |
el cuerpo | body |
el diente | tooth |
el estomago | stomach |
la mano | hand |
la nariz | nose |
la oreja | ear |
el pie | foot |
la pierna | leg |
la cama | bed |
el despertador | alarm clock |
duro(a) | hard, tough |
irse | to leave, to go away |
la manta | blanket |
ponerse | to put on clothes |