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ACTCM Form Qt1 Qz1 A
ACTCM Formulas 1-1 A Summary
Question | Answer |
The basic formulas for external wind cold condition with chills/fever, aversion to cold, wheezing and NO sweats. | Má huáng tāng 麻黃湯 (麻黄汤) |
Is used for external wind cold attack but WITH SWEATS. The sweating is a result of disharmony between Ying (营) and Wei (卫). Functions of Gui Zhi (桂枝), the Jun (君) herb of the formula, match the conditions perfectly. | Guì zhī tāng 桂枝湯 (桂枝汤) |
The composition is 桂枝汤 plus Ge Gen (葛根) for all the 桂枝汤 conditions (i.e. WITH sweats) plus stiff neck and shoulders. | Guì zhī jiā gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯 (桂枝加葛根汤) |
The ingredients are 桂枝加葛根汤 + Ma Huang (麻黃). The symptoms are the same as 桂枝加葛根汤 except there is NO sweating. | Gé gēn tāng 葛根湯 (葛根汤) |
Int LV qi stag with ext w-c. Ext w-c with int qi constraint. For ext w-c blocking LU qi which then blocks SP & ST; or for pre-exist constraint of qi. Lack of appetite, belching, focal dist, stifling sens. in chest and abd, THF, floating pulse. | Xiāng sū săn 香蘇散 (香苏散) |
Xiao (小) is small. Qing Long (青龍) is blue/green dragon. 小青龍汤 treats external wind cold invasion with fluid accumulation in the Lung. 青龍 is in charge of moving water so it transforms the accumulated fluid out of the Lung. | Xiăo qīng lóng tāng 小青龍湯 (小青龙汤) |
Treats the beginning stage of wind heat attack with cough. Since the disorder just started, the symptoms are usually mild. In addition to relieving wind heat herbs, Jie Geng (桔梗) and Xing Ren (杏仁) are added to resolve the cough. | Sāng jú yĭn 桑菊飲 (桑菊饮) |
The basic formula for external wind heat attack and febrile disease in the Wei level. Compared to桑菊饮, this heat condition is more severe and focus more on sore throat than on cough. | Yín qiào săn 銀翹散 (银翘散) |
Treats Han Bao Huo (寒包火, cold encompassing fire). The patient contracts external wind cold and at the same time has internal Lung heat. Ma Huang (麻黃) resolves wind heat and Shi Gao (石膏) quenches the fire. | Má xìng shí gān tāng 麻杏石甘散 (麻杏石甘散) |
Used for exterior wind-heat, with internal LU and ST heat. Skin rash, early stage measles, fever and chills, headache, generalized body aches, sneezing, coughing, red eyes, tearing, thirst, a red and dry tongue, and a floating rapid pulse. | Shēng má gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯 (桂枝加葛根汤) |
Chai=ChaiHu(柴胡), Ge=GeGen(葛根), Jie(解)=release, Ji(肌)=muscle. For w-c congest. in muscle layer transf to heat in TaiYang(太阳), YangMing(阳明) & ShaoYang(少阳). QiangHuo(羌活) on 太阳 layer; BaiZhi(白芷), ShiGao(石膏) &HuangQin(黃芩) on 阳明 layer; ChaiHu(柴胡) on 少阳 layer. | Chái gé jiĕ jī tāng 柴葛解肌湯 (柴葛解肌汤) |
For external wind-heat transforming to internal. | Gé gēn huáng qín huáng lián tāng 葛根黃芩黃連湯 (葛根黄芩黄连汤) |
Bai (败) is to defeat and Du (毒) is toxin. 人参败毒散 is for patients with weak Zheng Qi (正气) who suffered from external wind cold damp attack. | Rén shēn bài dú sǎn 人参败毒散 |
For external wind-heat with underlying internal yin deficiency. Fever, slight chills, little or not sweating, headache, dry throat, cough, sputum diffiuclt to expectorate, thirst, irritability, dark-red tongue, rapid pulse. | Jiā jiǎn wēi ruí tāng 加減葳蕤湯 |