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What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Má huáng tāng 麻黃湯 (麻黄汤)?
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What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Guì zhī tāng 桂枝湯 (桂枝汤)?
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ACTCM Form Qt1 Qz1 C

ACTCM Formulas 1-1 C DiagTx

What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Má huáng tāng 麻黃湯 (麻黄汤)? taiyang shang han/wind cold attacking exterior // Diaphoretic: release exterior wind-cold, stop wheezing, open lungs
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Guì zhī tāng 桂枝湯 (桂枝汤)? taiyang zhong feng/wind cold w/deficiency (wei qi def), disharmony of ying/wei // Induce sweating release pathogens from muscle layer (relax muscle to kick out cold, haromize ying and wei (make wei qi stronger, sweating for 8-10hr, , nourishes yin
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Guì zhī jiā gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯 (桂枝加葛根汤)? (Same as Gui zhi tang) Taiyang zhong feng (wind cold) w/ wei qi def, disharm of ying&wei // (Same as Gui zhi tang) Induce sweating, release pathogens from muscle layer (relax muscle to kick out cold), harmonize ying&wei, strengthen wei qi, nourish yin
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Gé gēn tāng 葛根湯 (葛根汤)? w-cold in taiyang, prevents fluids from reaching upr back/neck, causes pn // Induce sweating, release ext/w-cold, relax muscles (neck and shoulder stiffness)
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Xiāng sū săn 香蘇散 (香苏散)? Internal lv qi stag w/ external wind cold // Smooth lv qi and relieve surface
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Xiăo qīng lóng tāng 小青龍湯 (小青龙汤)? Ext wind-cold, internal cold damp in upper jiao (Lu) // Induce sweating, rel exterior/transf phlegm, transf/dry phlegm/damp, stop cough, relieve wheeze
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Sāng jú yĭn 桑菊飲 (桑菊饮)? early, mild wind heat // Eliminate wind, clear heat, stops cough, open Lu
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Yín qiào săn 銀翹散 (银翘散)? Standard for wind heat/wei level heat EXT WIND HEAT // induce sweating, clear wind heat, reduce toxicity (sore throat)
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Má xìng shí gān tāng 麻杏石甘散 (麻杏石甘散)? ext wind-cold (chill, then fever) w/int LU heat (fever) // Induce sweating, circ LU qi, clr heat, reduce cough and asthma (internal)
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Shēng má gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯 (桂枝加葛根汤)? Ext wind heat, int LU and ST heat // Release muscle layer and vent rashes
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Chái gé jiĕ jī tāng 柴葛解肌湯 (柴葛解肌汤)? unresolved wind-cold turning to int heat // relax muscles, clr int heat
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Gé gēn huáng qín huáng lián tāng 葛根黃芩黃連湯 (葛根黄芩黄连汤)? External WH transforming to internal // Induce sweating, relieve surface, CH
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Rén shēn bài dú sǎn 人参败毒散? External wind-cold-damp w/underlying internal qi deficiency (Sp/Lu/zheng qi def, not just wei qi def) // induce sweating, reduce ext path, dispel wind, dry damp, tonify qi
What is the Diagnosis & Treatment principle for Jiā jiǎn wēi ruí tāng 加減葳蕤湯? External wind heat , internal yin def // Nourish yin, CH, induce sweating, relieve surface
Created by: Greg Miller
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