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Unit 4 Vocab
professions & jobs, education, pronouns, weather, units of time
English | Spanish |
the lawyer | el/la abogado/a |
an antioxidant agent | un agente antioxidante |
the mayor | el alcalde |
the year | el año |
that (over there) | aquel |
that one (over there) | Aquél |
that (over there) | aquella |
that one (over there) | Aquélla |
the artist | el/la artista |
to continue, to advance | avanzar |
the fireman | el bombero |
a straw | una bombilla |
a gourd | una calabaza |
the scientist | el Científico |
to cook | concinar |
the cook | el concinero |
to cut hair | cortar el pelo |
which | cual |
which | cuales |
the peace corps | el cuerpo de paz |
to develop | desarrollar |
the details | los detalles |
day | el Día |
the dictatorship | la dictadura |
the designer | el Diseñador |
the nurse | el enfermero |
to teach | Enseñar |
that | esa |
that one | Ésa |
to choose | escoger |
that | ese |
that one | Ése |
those | esos |
those (those ones, used as a pronoun) | Ésos |
this | esta |
this one | Ésta |
It's cloudy | Está nublado |
the season | la Estación |
this | este |
this one | Éste |
these | estos |
these ones | Éstos |
to study | estudiar |
to study a major | estudiar una carrera |
the eternity | la eternidad |
the weekend | el fin de semana |
flowery | florido |
to function | funcionar |
the government worker | el funcionario |
the manager | el gerente |
it's nice weather | hace buen tiempo |
it's hot | hace calor |
it's cool | hace fresco |
it's cold | hace frío |
it's bad weather | hace mal tiempo |
it's windy | hace viento |
the leaves | las hojas |
the business man | el hombre de negocios |
the computer technician | el Informático |
the engineer | el ingeriero |
introduced | introdujeron |
the boss | el jefe |
the judges | los jueces |
the judge | el juez |
to rain | llover |
it's raining | llueve |
rainy | lluvioso |
the teacher | el maestro |
rude | malcriado |
more or less | Más or menos |
the mechanic | el Mecánico |
the doctor | el Médico |
the month | el mes |
the goal | la meta |
the millenium | el milenio |
mine | mío |
the model | el/la modelo |
the businesswoman | la mujer de negocios |
to snow | nevar |
it's snowing | nieva |
our | nuestro |
the worker | el obrero |
for | para |
the hair dresser | la peluquera |
the barber | el peluquero |
the plumber | el plomero |
the police officer | el/la Policía |
for | por |
the programmer | el la programador/a |
the psychiatrist | la psiquiatra |
that, what | que |
What's the weather like? | Qué tiempo hace? |
the chemicals | los quimicos |
to do well | salir bien |
... is drank | se bebe |
... is believed... | se cree |
was founded | se fundó |
Spanish is spoken | Se habla español |
... is served | se sirve |
Books are sold. | se venden libros |
the week | la semana |
the century | el siglo |
following | siguiente |
the immune system | el sistema de imunidades |
nervous system | el sistema nervioso |
southeast | sureste |
his/her/their | suyo |
the size | el Tamaño |
the job | el trabajo |
yours | tuyo |
the salesman | el vendedor |
the saleswoman | la vendedora |
windy | ventoso |
the volunteers | los voluntarios |
your | vuestro |