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Pobre Ana-Capítulo 2
Match the following Pobre Ana Chapter 2 Vocabulary Words
Term | Definition |
se levanta | he/she gets up |
se enoja | he/she gets mad |
amarillo | yellow |
busca | he/she looks for |
se sienta | he/she sits |
agarra | he/she gets/grabs |
llega | he/she arrives |
nueva | new |
superbonita | very beautiful |
me da dinero | he/she gives money to me |
compro | he/she buys |
está triste | he/she is sad |
sonríe | he/she smiles |
buenísima | very good |
cuesta | it costs |
el autobús | the bus |
se enoja | he/she gets mad |
pagar | to pay |