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Pobre Ana-Capítulo 3
Match the following Pobre Ana Chapter 3 Vocabulary Words
Question | Answer |
está emocionada | he/she is excited |
el último | the last one |
ayudarme | to help me |
el aeropuerto | the airport |
acompaña(n) | he/she accompanies |
el boleto | the ticket |
el avión | the plane |
tiene miedo | he/she is afraid |
abraza | he/she hugs |
sube | he/she gets onto/goes up |
toma otro | he/she takes another one |
directamente | directly |
el estado | the state/condition |
se baja | he/she gets off |
no la encuentra | he/she doesn't find her |
preocupada | worried (f.) |
el hombre | the man |
le agarra | he/she grabs him/her |
la mano | the hand |
agradecida | grateful (f.) |
de nada | you're welcome |
buena suerte | good luck |
va hacia | goes to |
comprende | he/she understands |
la muchacha | the girl |
rápidamente | quickly |
bienvenida | welcome (f.) |
comunicarse | to communicate oneself |
el novio | the boyfriend |
despacio | slowly |
hay | there is/there are |
sorprendida | surprised (f.) |
arriba | up |
el sol | the sun |
durante | during |
otro(a) | another (one) |