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Realidades 5B

This set focuses on words that allow students to discuss food options

el hombre man
la mujer woman
el joven young man
la joven young woman
alto tall
alta tall
bajo short
baja short
corto short
corta short
guapo good-looking
guapa good-looking
joven young
largo long
larga long
viejo old
vieja old
el pelo hair
el pelo canoso gray hair
el pelo castaño brown hair
el pelo negro black hair
el pelo rubio blonde hair
pelirrojo red-haired
pelirroja red-haired
tener calor to be warm
tener frío to be cold
tener sueño to be sleepy
delicioso delicious
deliciosa delicious
pedir to order
el plato principal main dish
de plato principal as a main dish
el postre dessert
de postre for dessert
rico rich
rica rich
el azúcar sugar
la cuchara spoon
el cuchillo knife
la pimienta pepper
la sal salt
el plato plate
la servilleta napkin
la taza cup
el tenedor fork
el vaso glass
el camarero waiter
la camarera waitress
la cuenta bill
el menú menu
Me falta I need
Me faltan I need
quisiera I would like
traer to bring
le traigo I will bring you
¿Me trae...? Will you bring me...?
yo traigo I bring
tú traes you bring
él trae He brings
ella trae She brings
Ud. trae You bring
traemos We bring
Vosotros traéis You all bring
Ellos traen They bring
Uds. traen You all bring
ahora now
¿algo más? Anything else?
De nada. You're welcome
otro café another coffee
otra persona other person
¡Qué rico! How tasty!
vengo I come
vienes You come
él viene He comes
ella viene She comes
Ud. viene You come
venimos we come
venís You all come
Ellos vienen They come
Uds. vienen You all come
desear to want
deseo I want
deseas You want
desea He/She/It wants
deseamos We want
deseáis You all want
desean They/ You all want
faltar missing in something
A mí me falta/n I am missing
A ti te falta/n You are missing
A él le falta/n he is missing
A nosotros nos falta/n we are missing
A ellos les falta/n they are missing
Created by: gserrano*
Popular Spanish sets




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