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las ocupaciones
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el/la abogado, a
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Earning a Living

Earning a Living Espanol

las ocupaciones occupations
el/la abogado, a lawyer
el actor/la actriz actor/actress
el/la artista artist
el/la arquitecto, a architect
el/la atleta athlete
el/la bombero, a firefighter
el/la camarero, a (el/la mesero, a) waiter, waitress
el/la cantante singer
el/la contador, a accountant
el/la cocinero, a cook, chef
el/la criado, a maid
el/la dentista dentist
el/la detective detective
el/la diseñador, a designer
el/la enfermero, a nurse
el hombre / la mujer de negocios business man/business woman
el/la ingeniero, a engineer
el/la mecánico, a mechanic
el/la médico, a (el/la doctor, a) doctor
el/la modista model
el/la músico, a musician
el/la peluquero, a hairdresser
el/la periodista journalist
el/la piloto pilot
el/la policía police officer
el/la profesor, a (el/la maestro, a) teacher
el/la programador, a programmer
el/la secretario, a secretary
el/la vendedor, a (el/la dependiente, a) sales person
el/la veterinario, a veterinarian
el anuncio advertisement
la carrera career
el cine movie theater
la conferencia conference
la compañía company
el/la empleado, a employee
el empleo employment
la entrevista interview
el equipo team
el futuro future
el interés interest
el/la jefe, a boss
el puesto position
el salario salary
el sueldo pay
la universidad college, university
la personalidad personality
ambicioso, a ambitious
amable friendly
independiente independent
cooperativo, a cooperative
diligente diligent, hard
las actividades activities
asistir a to attend
buscar to look for, search
deber to owe (ought to/should)
esperar to wait, to hope
ganar to earn, to win
hacerse to become
planear to plan
querer (ie) to want
recibir to receive
trabajar to work
traer to bring
¿Qué clase de empleo quieres? What kind of employment do you want? (familiar)
¿Qué quieres ser? What do you want to be? (familiar)
¿Cuánta experiencia tiene ud.? How much experience do you have? (formal)
¿Dónde quiere trabajar? Where do you want to work? (formal)
¿Asiste a una universidad? Do you attend college? (formal)
¿Qué clase de empleo prefiere? What kind of employment do you prefer? (formal)
el año que viene next year (the coming year)
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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