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VET 111 Week 4

Ch 8 Endocrine Diseases

What does the endocrine system work with to maintain homeostasis? Nervous system, Hypothalamus, and Pituitary gland
What does the endocrine system produce? Hormones
What is the concentration of hormones controlled by? Negative Feedback Mechanism
What are the major endocrine glands? Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Parathyroid, Gonads
What organ produces insulin? Pancreas
T/F: When an animal has diabetes mellitus, the beta cells do not produce enough insulin. True
What does diabetes mellitus result in? Increased blood glucose
What type of dog is diabetes mellitus more common in? Older female dogs
What type of cat is diabetes mellitus more common in? Male cats
What are the main clinical signs of Nonketotic diabetes mellitus? PD/PU, Dehydration, Polyphagia, Weight loss, Hepatomegaly, Cataract development
What are the additional signs for ketotic diabetes mellitus? Depression, weakness, vomiting, acetone breath, coma
T/F: Many cases of diabetes insipidus are idiopathic True
What are the two types of Diabetes insipidus? Central, Nephrogenic
What is the cause of nephrogenic? Kidney disfunction
What is the main sign of diabetes insipidus? PU/PD
What type of test is performed to diagnosed diabetes insipidus? Water deprivation test
What is used to treat diabetes insipidus? Synthetic ADH
Where are the adrenal glands located in relation to the kidneys? Dorsal and cranial
What are the adrenal glands embedded in? Perirenal fat
What two hormones do the adrenal glands produce? Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids
What is hypoadrenocorticism also known as? Addison's disease
What species does Addison's disease occur in? Dogs
What is hyperadrenocorticism also called? Cushing's Syndrome
Which animal is hyperadrenocorticism common in? Middle-aged female dogs
What percent of cases of hyperadrenocorticism are caused by a pituitary gland tumor? 85%
What percent of cases of hyperadrenocorticism are caused by a adrenal gland tumor? 15%
What is the main clinical sign of an animal with hyperadrenocorticism? Abdominal enlargement
What processes does the thyroid gland control? Metabolic
What type of animal is hypothyroid disease common in? Middle-aged female dogs
What hormone is inadequately produced with hypothyroid disease? T4
What percent of hypothyroid disease cases are due to idiopathic thyroid atrophy compared to lymphocytic thyroiditis? 50/50
What are the clinical signs of hypothyroid disease? Lethargy, mental dullness, Weight gain, bilaterally symmetric alopecia, recurrent skin infections, cold intolerance, constipation
How is hypothyroid disease diagnosed? Blood sample
T/F: The treatment for hypothyroid disease is life-long hormone replacment True
Which animal is hyperthyroid disease mostly seen in? Middle-aged to older cats
T/F: Hyperthyroid disease is the most common endocrine disorder in cats True
What percent of hyperthyroid disease is caused by benign adenomas? 98%
What is the other 2% of hyperthyroid disease caused by? Malignant adenocarcinomas
What are the clinical signs of hyperthyroid disease? Unkempt hair coat, palpable thyroid slip, weight loss, polyphagia, vomiting and diarrhea, tachycardia, heart murmur, Increased blood pressure, hyperactivity, restlessness to aggressive behavior
What are the methods used to diagnose hyperthyroid disease? Blood samples, ultrasound
What are the treatment methods for hyperthyroid disease? Surgical removal of nodule, radioactive iodine-131, methimazole-anti-thyroid drug therapy
Created by: Acraft02
Popular Veterinary sets




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