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Realidades 2 Final
Term | Definition |
arreglar el cuarto | to straighten up the room |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
cocinar | to cook |
dar de comer al perro | To feed the dog |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
separar botellas, latas, y vidrio | to seperate the bottles, cans and glasses |
ayudar | to help |
lavar la ropa | to wash clothes |
limpiar el bano | to clean the bathroom |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
cortar el cesped | to mow the lawn |
lavar el coche | to wash the car |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
trabajar en el jardín | to work in the garden |
el barrio | neighborhood |
la calle | street, road |
el cine | the movie theatre |
la comunidad | community |
el estadio | stadium |
el hospital | hospital |
el monumento | monument |
el museo | museum |
el teatro | theatre |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
el supermercado | supermarket |
el cepillo de dientes | toothbrush |
el equipo deportivo | sports equipment |
el palo de golf | golf club |
el champú | shampoo |
el jabón | soap |
la pasta dental | toothpaste |
se me olvidó | i forgot |
cerrar (e-->ie) | to close |
cobrar un cheque | to cash a check |
cuidar a | to take care of |
devolver (o-->ue) | to return |
la gasolina | gasoline |
ir a pie | to go on foot |
se abre | opens |
se cierra | closes |
¡caramba! | good gracious |
el centro | downtown |
el consultorio | doctor/dentist's office |
la estación | service |
la estación de servicio | service station |
el buzón | mailbox |
la carta | letter |
echar una carta | to mail a letter |
el correo | post office |
enviar | to send |
el sello | stamp |
la tarjeta | card |
la pelota | golf |
la raqueta de ténis | tennis racket |
todavía | still |
quedarse | to stay |
casi | almost |
¡Cómo no! | of course |
en seguida | right away |
hasta | until |
por | for |
pronto | soon |
llenar (el tanque) | fill (the tank) |
sacar (un libro) | to take out / to check out (a book) |
los bloques | the blocks |
la colección | the collection |
la cuerda | the rope |
saltar a la cuerda | to jump rope |
el dinosaurio | the dinosaur |
la muñeca | the doll |
el muñeco | the action figure |
el oso de peluche | the teddy bear |
el tren eléctrico | the electric train |
el triciclo | the tricycle |
el pez | the fish |
la tortuga | the turtle |
coleccionar | to collect |
molestar | to bother |
pelearse | to fight |
la guardería infantil | the daycare center |
el patio de recreo | the playground |
de niño | as a child |
de pequeño | as a small child |
de vez en cuando | from time to time |
mentir | to lie |
obedecer | to obey |
ofrecer | to offer |
permitir | to allow |
por lo general | in general |
portarse bien | to behave well |
portarse mal | to behave badly |
todo el mundo | everyone |
el vecino | the neighbor |
la verdad | the truth |
bien educado | well-behaved (singular & masculine) |
consentido | spoiled (singular & masculine) |
desobediente | disobedient |
generoso | generous (singular & masculine) |
obediente | obedient |
tímido | shy (singular & masculine) |
travieso | naughty (singular & masculine) |
la moneda | the coin |
el mundo | the world |
era | I/he/she used to be |
eras | you used to be |
éramos | we used to be |
ellos eran | they used to be |
iba | I used to go |
ibas | you used to go |
íbamos | we used to go |
Uds. iban | you all used to go |
veía | I/he/she used to see |
veías | you used to see |
veíamos | we used to see |
ellas veían | they used to see |
me, te, le, nos, les | indirect object pronouns |
la avenida | avenue |
el camión | truck |
los camiones | trucks |
la carretera | highway |
el conductor | driver |
el cruce de calles | intersection |
la cuadra | block |
la esquina | corner |
la estatua | statue |
la fuente | fountain |
el peatón | pedestrian |
los peatones | pedestrians |
el permiso de manejar | driver's license |
la plaza | plaza |
el policía | police officer |
poner una multa | to give a ticket |
el puente | bridge |
el semáforo | stop light |
la señal de parada | stop sign |
el tráfico | traffic |
ancho | wide |
Basta | Enough |
De acuerdo | Ok, Agreed |
dejar | to leave, to let |
Déjame en paz | Leave me alone |
despacio | slowly |
esperar | to wait for |
estar seguro | to be sure |
estrecho | narrow |
Me estás poniendo nervioso | You're making me nervous |
peligroso | dangerous |
quitar | to take away, to remove |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
ya | already |
aproximadamente | approximately |
Cómo se va | How do you go to |
complicado | complicated |
cruzar | to cross |
derecho | straight |
desde | from, since |
doblar | to turn |
en medio de | in the middle of |
hasta | as far as, up to ____ |
manejar | to drive |
el metro | subway |
parar | to stop |
por | for, by, around, along, through |
quedar | to be located |
seguir | to follow, to continue |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
el aniversario | anniversary |
la boda | wedding |
el desfile | parade |
el día fiesta | holiday |
la fiesta de sorpresa | surprise party |
la graduación | graduation |
la reunión | gathering |
el bebe/la bebe | baby |
los mayores | the grown-ups |
los niños | children |
los parientes | relatives |
un abrazo | a hug |
un beso | a kiss |
las decoraciones | decorations |
los fuegos artificiales | fireworks |
los globos | balloons |
los (buenos) modales | (good) manners |
abrazar | to hug |
asistir | to attend |
besar | to kiss |
charlar | to chat |
contar chistes (o-ue) | to tell jokes |
cumplir...años | to turn... years old |
dar la mano | to shake hands |
felicitar | to congratulate |
hacer un picnic | to have a picnic |
llorar | to cry |
nacer | to be born |
recordar (o-ue) | to remember |
regalar | to give a gift |
saludar | to greet |
sonreír | to smile |
alrededor de | around |
antiguo (-a, -os, -as) | old, antique |
la costumbre | custom |
enorme (-s) | huge, enormous |
¡Felicidades! | Congratulations! |
frecuentemente | frequently |
había | there was, there were |
mientras | while |
corsarse (con) | to get married (to) |
despedirse (de) (e-i) | to say goodbye (to) |
divertirse (e-ie) | to have fun |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
graduarse (u-ú) | to graduate |
llevarse bien/mal | to get along well/badly |
reírse (e-i) | to laugh |
reunirse (con) (u-ú) | to get together (with) |