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S1 Final Review

horario schedule
ocho y media 8:30
bistec steak
arroz con pollo rice with chicken
preferir to prefer
hace frío it's cold
nieve snowing
los lápices pencils
los libros books
las mochilas backpacks
estudiar to study
buenas notas good grades
nadar to swim
me duele it hurts me
el pie foot
jugar fútbol to play soccer
caminar to walk
jugar béisbol to play baseball
hace mucho calor it's very hot
correr to run
beber to drink
los zapatos shoes, sneakers
trabajar to work
hacer la tarea to do the homework
el cumpleaños birthday
me gusta I like
dulce sweet
los bolígrafos pens
el papel paper
las calculadoras calculators
los cuadernos notebooks
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday
mexicana Mexican
la nacionalidad nationality
inglés English
matemáticas math
escuchar música to listen to music
jugar videojuegos to play videogames
usar la computadora to use the computer
practicar deportes to play sports
pasar tiempo con amigos to spend time with friends
todos los días every day
comer to eat
leer to read
difícil difficult
fácil easy
las uvas grapes
dieciséis 16
montar en bici to ride a bike
febrero February
la profesora teacher
la clase class
negro black
las hamburguesas hamburgers
los carteles posters
junio June
España Spain
patinar to skate
catorce 14
las papas fritas French fries
séptima 7th
los pupitres student desks
correr to run
octava 8th
rojo red
septiembre September
quince 15
sábado Saturday
el pelo hair
feliz happy
mañana tomorrow, morning
hablar to talk
Created by: jmccrane4766
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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