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SAT Words Matt

abdicate to formally give up power
aberration a deviation from the way things normally happen or are done
abstruse hard to understand
adage a wise old saying
adament extremely stubborn
aesthetic having to do with the appreciation of beauty
affable easy-going; friendly
alleviate to ease a pain or burden
ambiguous open to more than one interpretation
ambivalent "simultaneously feeling opposing feeling
amenable responsive; aggreeable
amiable good natured and likable
ample describing a large amount of something
annihilate to destroy completely
apt suitable; appropriate
arbiter a judge who decides a disputed issue
archaic "characteristic of an earlier
arduous difficult; painstaking
arid "describing a dry
assiduous hard-working
asylum a place of retreat or security
auspicious attended by favorable circumstances
austere somber; stern
benevolent kind; generous
benign kind and gentle; harmless
biased prejudiced
brittle easily broken when subjected to pressure
brusque describing a rudely abrupt manner
burgeoning expanding or growing rapidly
camaraderie good will between friends
candor sincerity; openness
cantankerous grumpy; disagreeable
capacious roomy; spacious
capricious impulsive and unpredictable
catalog (v) to make an itemized list of
caustic (adk; n) "bitingly sarcastic
clandestine "secretive
clarity clearness in thought or expression
cogent convincing; reasonable
cohesive condition of sticking together
compelling forceful; urgently demanding attention
conflagaration a widespread fire
conscientious careful and principled
contemptuous feeling hatred; scornful
convoluted intricate; complex
copious plentiful; having a large quantity
cordial warm and sincere; friendly
coup a brilliantly executed plan; a sudden overthrow of government
curtailed cut short; abbreviated
debunk to expose the falseness of
decorous proper; marked by good taste
despotic characterized by exercising absolute power tyranically
dictatorial domineering; oppresively overbearing
didactic intended to instruct
dilatory describing one who habitually delays or is tardy
dilettante a dabbler in or one who superficially understands an art of a field of knowledge
diligent marked by painstaking effort; hard-working
disingenuous not straightforward; crafty
disparage to speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle
disparate fundamentally distinct or different
dogged stubbornly persevering
dogmatic characterized by a stubborn adherence to insufficiently proved beliefs
dubious doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
disdain to regard or treat with contempt; to look down on
ebullience intense enthusiasm
eclectic made up of a variety of sources or styles
effusive describing unrestrained emotional expression; gushy
egregious conspicuously bad or offensive
embellish to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate
emollient softening and soothing
emphatic expressed with emphasis
emulate "to try to equal or excel
enervate to weaken the strength or vitality of
enmity mutual hatred or ill-will
ephemeral lasting for a markedly brief time
epiphany a sudden burst of understanding or discovery
equanimity the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure
exculpate to free from guilt or blame
exemplary commendable
fabricated made; concocted in order to decieve
facetious playfully humorous
facile done or achieved with little effort; easy
farce an absurdly ridiculous situation
fastidious possessing careful attention to detail
feasible capable of being accomplished; possible
feral "savage
florid describing flowery or elaborate speech
fluid easy flowing
fractious quarrelsome; unruly
frank open and sincere in expression; straightforward
frenetic wildly excited or active
furtive characterized by stealth; sneaky
futile having no useful purpose
garrulous "given to excessive
genre describing a category or artistic endeavor
glower to look or stare angrily or sullenly
gratuitous given freely; unearned; unwarranted
gregarious enjoying the company of others; sociable
hackneyed overfamiliar through overuse; trite
harbinger one that indicates what is to come; a forerunner
haughty condescendingly proud
heinous hatefully evil; abominable
heresy "an opinion that disagrees with establishes
idyllic simple and carefree
immutable not able to be changed
impede to slow the progress of
impenetrable incapable of being understood
imperious arrogantly domineering or overbearing
impetuous characterized by sudden energy or emotion
impinge to encroach in a way that violates the rights of another
implacable impossible to appease
impromptu not planned in advance; spur of the moment
inconsequential unimportant
controvertible indisputable; not open to question
incorrigible unable to be reformed
incumbent (adj.) imposed as a duty; obligatory
indigenous originating and living in a particular area
indolent lazy
ingrate an ungrateful person
innate possesed at birth; inborn
innocuous having no bad effect; harmless
insightful perceptive
insipid uninteresting; unchallenging
insolent insulting in manner or speech
intrepid courageous; fearless
intuitibe knowing or perceiving quickly and readily
inverterate long-established; deep-rooted; habitual
itinerant traveling from place to place
jurisprudence the philosophy or science of law
laconic using few words
lament to express grief for; mourn
lampoon (n; v) a broad satirical piece; or to broadly satire
laudatory expressing great praise
liquid flowing readily
listless lacking energy; lazy
lucid easily understood
malevolent having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; hateful
malfeasance "misconfuct or wrongdoing
malice extreme ill will or spite
maverick one who is independent and resists adherance to a group
medley "an assortment or a mixture
marecurial quick and changeable in mood
meticulous extremely careful and precice
milk (v) to draw or extract profit or advantage from
mitigate to make less severe or painful
mollify to calm or soothe
mundane commonplace; ordinary
mural a big painting applied directly to a wall
naive lacking sophistication
nascent coming into existence; emerging
nocturnal of or occuring in the night
notorious known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
novel (adj) "strikingly new
novice a beginner
obdurate stubborn; inflexible
obscure (adj; v) relatively unknown; or to conceal or make indistinct
obsolete no longer in use; old-fashioned
obstinate stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action
ominous menacing; threatening
omnipotent all-powerful
opulent exhibiting a display of great wealth
ornate elaborately ornamented
ostentatious describing a showy or pretentious display
pander to cater to the lower tastes and desires of others to explot their weaknesses
paramount of chief concern or importance
parochial narrow in scope
parody an artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect
pasimonious excessibely cheap
patronizing treating in a condescending manner
paucity fewness; an extreme lack of
pejorative describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone
penitent expressing remorse for one's misdeeeds
permeated sperad or flowing throughout
pervasive having the quality or tendency to be everywhere at the same time
plagiarism the act of passing off as one's own ideas or writings of another
plausible seemingly valid or acceptable; credible
poignant profoundly moving; touching
ponderous extremely dull
portend to serve as an omen or a warning of
pragmatic practical
pristing not spoiled; pure
prodigious enormous
prohetic foretelling or predicting future events
propriety appropriateness of behavior
prosaic unimaginative; dull
prudent exercising good judgment or common sense
pugnacious combative; belligerent
punctilious strictly arrentive to minute details; picky
purist one who is particularly concerned with maintaining traditional practices
quandary a state of uncertainty or perlexity
rancorous hateful; marked by deep seated ill-will
rapport a relationship of mutual trust or affinity
recalritrant defiant of authority; stubborn; not easily managed
reclamation a restoration or rehabilitation to productivity or usefulness
remote located far away
replete abundantly supplied; filled
repugnant causing disgust or hatred
reticent reluctant to speak
ruse a crafty trick
salutary promoting good health
sanction (n) official permission or approval; a measure put in place to punish a nation or person
sanction (v) to give official authorization or approval to
sanguine cheerfully confident; optimistic
sedentary not migratory; settled
serene calm
slander false charges and malicious oral statements or reports about someone
solvent able to pay ones debts
sonorous having or producing sound
soporific causing sleep or sleepiness
specious having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually false
spurious not genuine; false
squalor a filthy condition or quality
staid characterized by a strait-laced sense of propriety; serious
stoic indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive
stratagek a clever trick used to decieve or outwit
stupor a state of reduced or suspended sensibility
stmied thwarted; stumped; blocked
substantiated supported with proof or evidence; verified
superfluous extra; unnecessary
suppressed subdued; kept from being circulated
surreptitious done by secretive means
tacit implied but not actually expressed
temperate moderate; mild
tenacity persistent adherence to a belief or a point of view
tenet a principle held as being true by a person or an organization
tenuous having little substance or strength; shakey; flimsy
terse brief and to the point; concise
thwart to prevent the occurrence of
timorous shy; timid
torpor laziness; inactivity; dullness
toxic poisonous
transitory short-lived or temporary
trenchant keen; incisive
trepidation uncertainty; apprehension
trite unoriginal; overused; stale
truncated shortened; cut off
unfettered set free from restrictions or bonds
unpalatable "not pleasing to the taste
urbane notably polite and elegant in manner; suave
usurp to take power by force
vacuous devoid of matter; empty
vilify to make vicious statements about
vindicated freed from blame
wane to decrease gradually in intensity; decline
wary on guard; watchful
whimsical subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
wily cunning
wry "dryly humorous
zealous passionate; extremely interested in pursuing something
Created by: oceanrider
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