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SAT Vocab List 1-5

abate to become smaller or less intense (verb)
abdicate to retire or quit / fail to fulfil a duty (verb)
aberration an unexpected event that is unwelcome / variation (noun)
abhor to regard with disgust or hatred (verb)
abode a place of residence / a house or home (noun)
abrasive a substance or material that is capable of grinding, polishing, or cleaning a hard surface / a person showing little concern for feelings of others/harsh (noun/adj.)
abstruse difficult to understand (adj.)
abysmal extremely bad, awful / very deep as in physical means (adj.)
accost to approach and address someone boldly or aggressively/confront (verb)
acquisition an asset or object bought or obtained / the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality (noun)
acrid a strong and unpleasant taste or smell / angry and bitter (adj.)
acrimony anger and bitterness, harsh words, manner, or feelings (noun)
acumen the ability to make good judgements and quick decisions in a certain domain (noun)
adamant refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind (adj.)
adept skilled at doing something (adj.)
admonish to warn or criticize someone firmly / advise or urge someone earnestly (verb)
adroit clever or skillful in using the hands or mind (adj.)
advent the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event (noun)
adversarial opposed to / involving conflict (adj.)
advocate a person who publicly supports a particular cause / publicly recommend or support (noun/verb)
affiliate to officially attach or join an organization (verb)
affluent a group or area having a big amount of money; wealthy (noun)
agitate to make someone troubled or upset / to arouse public concern about an issue / to stir something; a liquid (verb)
ajar a door or other opening slightly open or half open (adj)
alacrity brisk and cheerful readiness (noun)
succinct of something (written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed (adj)
amble walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace (verb)
fenetic fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way (adj)
atrocious horrifyingly wicked (adj)
revolt disgust / rebelled (adj/verb)
spigot a small peg or plug (noun)
hangar a large building with extensive floor area, typically for aircraft / to place or store (noun/verb)
famish to cause to suffer severely from hunger (verb)
fluctuate rise and fall irregularly in number (verb)
careen move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way in a specified direction (verb)
loiter stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose (verb)
entails involve something as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence (verb)
scrutinize examine or inspect closely and thoroughly (verb)
suffuse gradually spread through or over (verb)
ardent enthusiastic or passionate (adj)
erratic in a manner that is not even or regular in pattern / unpredictable (adv)
insolence rude and disrespectful behavior (noun)
allocate distribute resources/duties for a particular reason (verb)
altruistic showing a selfless concern for the well-being of others (adj.)
amenable responsive to suggestions; easily controlled/persuaded; thing likely influenced by another thing (adj.)
susceptible liable to be influenced/harmed by another thing (adj.)
amiable showing or displaying friendly manners; pleasant manner (adj.)
amicable of a relationship being friendly or w/o serious disagreements (adj.)
rancor long standing bitterness or resentfulness (noun)
cordial warm and friendly (adj.)
antediluvian extremely old; prehistoric/ridiculously old fashioned (adj)
anthropology study of humans (noun)
antipathy deep seated feeling of dislike (noun)
aversion strong dislike (noun)
apathetic showing or feeling little emotion (adj)
apt suitable in circumstances; having a tendency to do something (adj.)
arcane understood by few; mysterious or secret (adj)
ascendancy occupation of a position of dominant power or influence (noun)
ascetic character of practices severe self discipline (adj)
aspire direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something (verb)
assail make a violent attack on; unpleasant strong feeling; criticize strongly (verb)
assiduous showing great care and perseverance (adj.)
assuage make unpleasant feeling less intense; satisfy a desire (verb)
atrophy waste away; gradually decline in effectiveness (verb)
accolade award or privilege given as special honor (noun)
allusion indirect reference (noun)
ambivalence mixed feelings/contradictory ideas about something (noun)
visceral relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect (adj.)
viable capable of working successfully (adj.)
venerable accorded to great deal of respect b/c of wisdom, age, or character (adj.)
variegated multicolored; variety of patches of color (adj.)
transcend go beyond a limits of something abstract; surpass (verb)
tenacity to grip something firmly; determination (noun)
supercilious behaving as though one is superior to others (adj.)
succumb fail to resist pressure; die from injury (verb)
stringent of regulations strict, precise, and exacting (adj.)
sparse thinly dispersed (adj.)
resurgence revival after period of little activity (noun)
respite short period of relief or rest from something unpleasant (noun)
resonance quality in sound being deep, full, and reverberating (noun)
purveyor seller or spreader of ideas and goods (noun)
pugnacious eager to argue or fight (adj.)
prudence wisdom/cautiousness (noun)
perfidy deceitfulness; untrustworthiness (noun)
profligacy reckless extravagance (noun)
palpable of an atmosphere so intense as to seem tangible (adj.)
ostentatious designed to impress or attract notice (adj.)
ossified having become rigid or fixed in attitude or position (adj.)
nascent coming to existence or showing signs of future potential (adj.)
mitigate make less severe (verb)
milieu a person's social environment (noun)
mendicancy begging (noun)
loquacious talkative (adj.)
lament passionate expression of grief or sorrow (noun)
inept showing no skill (adj.)
abbess a woman who is the head of an abbey (building/monk) of nuns (noun)
abbey the building(s) occupied by a community of monks or nuns (noun)
abbot man who is the head of an abbey of monks (noun)
abed in bed (adv.)
aberrant departing from the normal standard (adj)
Created by: fishyfosh
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