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VET 201 Week 8

Ch 12 Non-human Primates

How are nonhuman primates differentiated? Unique biologic characteristics, Regions of origin, Environmental requirements, Nutritional requirements, Diseases susceptibility
T/F: Taxonomic classification is an ever-changing field and there is a long-standing debate regarding the classification of nonhuman primates True
What are the two suborders for nonhuman primates? Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini
What nonhuman primates does Strepsirrhini include? Lemurs, lorises, and galago's
T/F: Many species in the Strepsirrhini suborder resemble dogs or rodents more than true primates True
What is the brain to body ratio in Strepsirrhini compared to haplorrhines? Smaller
What do strepsirrhines have a greater reliance on? Smell
T/F: Most strepsirrhini species are nocturnal True
What is the natural diet of strepsirrhines? Insects and fruit
T/F: Strepsirrhines breed during cycles instead of seasons False; opposite is true
What strepsirrhines are all considered endangered? Lemurs
T/F: No single anatomic feature distinguishes Haplorrhines from other animals True
Which suborder of nonhuman primates has an attached lip vs nonattached lips? Strepsirrhini attached; Haplorrhini not attached
T/F: Majority of Haplorrhines are diurnal (active in the daytime) True
Which Haplorrhines are the exception to being diurnal? Tarsiers and owl monkeys
What is the primary sense of Haplorrhines? Vision
What is apart of the Callitrichidae family? Marmosets and tamarins
T/F: Callitrichidae are among the smallest of the New World primates. True
What is the most common Callitrichidae used in research? Common marmoset
What is the average body weight of Callithrix jacchus? 300-350 g
What are unique callitrichid characteristics? Posses claws, Biovulatory, twinning is normal
What are callitrichid used for in research? Infectious diseases, viral oncology, reproductive studies, pharmacokinetics
What is the most common Cebidae used in research? Squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus)
What do squirrel monkeys typically weight? 500-1500 g
What are squirrel monkeys used for in research? Artherosclerosis
What are Owl Monkeys used for? Malaria, viral oncology and vision
How many species of Owl Monkeys are there? 8
How much do owl monkeys weight? 900-1200 g
What is the weight of male Macaca mulatta OW Monkeys? 6-11kg
What is the weight of female Macaca mulatta OW Monkeys? 4-9 kg
What are Macaca mulatta OW Monkeys used for? Vaccine testing, pharmacology and toxicology studies, and infectious disease research
What are Macaca fascicularis used for in research? drug testing and infectious disease
What are the two species of Papio spp. most commonly used in research? Papio anubis (olive baboon) and papio cynocephalus (yellow baboon)
What is the weight of papio spp. monkeys? 25-30 kg
What are papio spp. monkeys used for? Surgery, reproductive physiology, AIDS
What are chimpanzees used for in research? hepatitis testing and AIDS vaccines, and psychobiology research
What do female chimpanzees typically weight? 40 kg
What do male chimpanzees typically weight? 50 kg
T/F: Chimpanzees are not endangered False
What was signed into law in 2000? CHIMP act
What are not used for biomedical research? Pongo (orangutan)
What do Gorillas weigh? 74-180 kg
What are gorillas used for? Learning and behavioral studies
Which monkeys contribute to more than 50% of NHP in research? Macaque monkeys
What percent of all animal research do NHP make up? 2%
What is the most common social organization of NHP? A troop
How many animals make up a troop? 20-100
What type of cage is desirable for NHP? Squeeze cage
T/F: A secure lock should be used on cage doors True
T/F: NHP require enrichment just like any other animal and it is required by the AVMA. True
How often should racks, cages, pans, and food equipment be sanitized? once every 2 weeks
What chemical restraint is used with NHP? Ketamine IM
T/F: If NHP is restrained over 12 hours, animals must have one free continuous hour unrestricted True
What is used to identify NHP? Cage cards, Tattoos, Microchips, Neck/ear tags, Shaving/dying/ marking the hair
How is blood collected in NHP? Femoral vein/artery, Cephalic vein, Saphenous vein
How are drugs administered to NHP? Oral dosing, SC, IM, IV
What should ketamine be combined with for short-term surgery? Xylazine
How is depth of anesthesia gauged in NHP? Rate/depth of anesthesia, heart rate, degree of jaw tension, palpebral and pedal reflexes
What are typical routine surgical procedures in NHP? Fight injuries
What type of suturing pattern is recommended for NHP? Subcuticular
What are the most common health problems involving NHP? Bacterial enteritis, bacterial pneumonia
T/F: Diseases are always active/ False; diseases can be active and go dormant
Created by: Acraft02
Popular Veterinary sets




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