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Connective tissue


What is the origin of connective tissue? Mesodermal origin
The most abundant animal tissue is? Connective tissue
What are the three types of connective tissues? Proper CT, Supportive CT and Fluid CT
Cells of proper connective tissue? Fibroblast, mast cells, plasma cells, histocytes
Functions of fibroblast cells? Secrete fibre and matrix
Which is the cell only found in proper connective tissue? Mast cell
Mast cell is a modified? Basophil
Function of Mast cell? Secretes Heparin, Histamine and Serotonin
Function of Heparin? Anti-coagulant
Function of Histamin? Vaso-dilator, to show allergic reaction or inflammation
Function of Serotonin? Vaso-constrictor
Plasma cells are also called? Cartwheel cells
Plasma cells are modified? Lymphocytes
Function of plasma cells? Secrete antibodies
Histocyte is also known as? Macrophage
Function of Histocyte/ Macrophage?/ Engulf foreign materials/ bacteria
The matrix of proper CT is formed of? Mucopolysaccharide + water
Fibres found in proper CT are? Collagen fibre, Elastic fibre and Reticulate fibre
Which is the thickest fibre? Collagen fibre
Collagen fibres are? (structure and colour) Parallel and unbranched, white in colour
Elastic fibres are? (structure and colour) Branched, yellow in colour
What is the thinnest fibre? Reticulate fibre
Protein found in reticulate fibre? Reticulin
Reticulate fibres are? (structure and colour) Network, colourless
Types of proper connective tissue? Loose matric CT and dense matrix CT
Areolar tissue is also known as? Packing tissue --> packs/connects skin and muscle
Types of loose proper connective tissue are? Areolar tissue and Adipose tissue
Adipose tissues are modified? Areolar tissue
Which extra cell is present in Adipose tissue? Adipocytes--> fat secreting cell
Brown adipocytes are due to? Increased no. of mitochondria
Brown adipose tissues (BAT) are found mostly in? Newborns
Adipose tissues make up? Subcutaneous fat--> fat just below the skin. it is thicker in females
Types of dense matrix proper connective tissue? Fibrous, Elastic, Reticular, Pigmented
Types of fibrous dense matrix proper connective tissue? white fibrous, tendon, ligament
Fibre found in suture joints of skull bone is? White fibrous
Fibre found in Sclera? White fibrous
Fibre found in perichondrium? White fibrous
Tendon is a thin bundle of? Collagen fibres
Ligament is a this bundle of? Collagen and elastic fibres
Function of Tendon? Connects bone to muscle
Function of Ligament? Connects bone to bone
Fibre found in Lungs? Elastic dense matrix
Fibre found in liver and spleen? Reticular dense matrix
Fibre found in Iris? Pigmented dense matrix
Types of supportive connective tissue? Cartilage and bone
Protein present in cartilage? Chondrin
Cells present in cartilage? Chondrocytes
Cells present in bone? Osteocyte
Protein present in bone? Ossin
Fibres present in cartilage? Collagen and Elastic fibres
Bone forming cell is called? Oesteoblast
Bone destroying cell is called? Oesteoclast
The process of formation of cartilage is known as? Chondrofication/ Chondrogenesis
The process of formation of bones is known as? Oesteogenesis/ Oesteopoesis/ Ossification
Cartilage is vascular or avascular? Avascular
Bone is vascular or avascular? Vascular
Endoskeleton of embryo, cyclostoma, cartilaginous fish is made up of? Cartilage
Which cartilage is also known as gristle? Hyaline cartilage
Which cartilage is found in internasal septum, trachea, endoskeleton of cyclostomata and cartilagenous fish? Hyaline cartilage
Calcified cartilage are hyaline cartilage coated with? CaCO3
Cartilage found in suprascapula of pectoral girdle? Calcified cartilage
Perichondrium is absent in which cartilage? Fibro cartilage
Which is the strongest cartilage? Fibro cartilage
Cartilage found in intervertebral discs? Fibro cartilage
Which fibres are mostly present in fibro cartilage? Collagen fibre
Which fibres are mostly present in elastic cartilage? Elastin fibre
Cartilage found in pinna, epiglottis, tip of nose and part of tunica media is? Elastic cartilage
Bone cancer? Oesteoma
Hardness in bone is due to? Hydroxyopetite
Haversian(longitudinal) canal is present in? Bone
Function of Volkmann's(transverse) canal? Joins 2 Haversian canals
Haversian canal is present only in which vertebrate? Mammals
Function of canaliculi? It connects oesteocytes
Yellow bone marrow is found in? Diaphysis of bone
Red bone marrow is found in? Epiphysis of bone
What is the function of yellow bone marrow? storage of fat
What is the function of red bone marrow? Formation of blood cells
Skeletal muscle is also know as? Striated, striped, voluntary muscle
Location of skeletal muscle? Attached to the bones, abdominal wall, upper part of oesophagus, tongue
Structure of Skeletal muscle? Cylindrical, multinucleated, striated
Skeletal muscles get fatigued due to? Accumulation of Lactic acid
In sarcomere, thin filaments are? Light bands- Actin, troponin, tropomyosin
Created by: Mushroomang
Popular Physiology sets




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