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dar una vuelta to take a walk
abrir/cerrar el grifo to turn on/ to turn off the faucet
hacer los mandados to do errands
enterarse de to find out about
aprovechar to take advantage (of something)
desordenar to mess up
sacar el billete to buy a ticket
ordenar to organize
ensuciar to get dirty
tocar el timbre to ring the doorbell
romper to break
ir de tapas to go out to eat
subir/bajar el metro to get on/ to get off the subway
arreglar to repair
dejar to leave behind
quitar to take away
dedar que to doubt that
aparecer to appear
no estar seguro/a de que not to be sure that
actuar to act
convertirse en to turn into
lograr to attain; to achieve
no creer que not to believe that
sentir (siento) que to be sorry that; to feel
figurar en to appear in
arriesgarse to risk
sorprenderse que to be surprised that
intercambiar opiniones to exchange opinions
discutir to discuss; to argue
asistir a un espectáculo to attend a show
asistir a una reunion to attend a meeting
relatar to relate; to tell
pasar un buen rato to have a good time
dormir una siesta to take a nap
comentar to comment on; to talk about
relajarse to relax
resolver to solve
encontrarse con to meet up with
concluir to conclude; to finish
debatir to debate
charlar to chat
personificar to personify
exigir que to demand that
imitar to imitate
representar to represent
idealizar a alguien to idealize someone
sugerir que to suggest that
destacarse por to be remarkable for; to stand out for
prohibir que to prohibit that
comportarse bien/mal to behave well/badly
mandar que to order; command that
aconsejar que to advise that
dejar que to allow that
enviar to send
conectarse a internet to connect to the internet
guardar to keep; to put away
disfrutar de to enjoy
descargar to download
imprimir to print
sospechar que to suspect that
evitar to avoid
dar una sugerencia to make a suggestion
dar consejos to give advice
esconder to hide
darse cuenta de to realize
ponerse de acuerdo to agree
cometer un error to make a mistake
prosperar to prosper
satisfacer to satisfy
progresar to progress
seguir adelante to continue on; to carry on
respetar to respect
insistir to insist
evaluar to evaluate
superar to overcome
luchar to struggle
comercializar to market
solucionar to solve
advertir to warn
invertir to invest
persistir to persist
emprender to undertake
encargarse de to take charge of; to make oneself responsible for
penalizar to penalize
criticar to criticize
mejorar to improve
dañar to harm
apreciar to appreciate
amenazar to threaten
proteger to protect
respirar to breathe
desarrollar to develop
reemplazar to replace
votar to vote
fomentar to foment; to support
extinguirse to become extinct
reutilizar to reuse
volar to fly
destruir to destroy
valorar to value
informarse to keep informed
disminuir to diminish; to decrease
juntarse to get together with
recoger to pick up
refugiarse to take refuge from
parecerse a alguien to look like someone; to be like someone
merendar to have a snack
conducir to drive
mantener el equilibrio to keep the balance
cumplir to fulfill; to carry out
prestar to lend
gastar to spend
contar con los demás to count on others
elegir to choose
apoyar to support
tirar basura to litter
trabajar de voluntario to volunteer
reciclar to recycle
delegar delegate
juntar fondos to fundraise
organizar to organize
recaudar fondos to raise funds
colaborar to collaborate
solicitar to ask for; to request
navegar por rápidos to go whitewater rafting
encender to light; to make a fire; to turn on
remar to row
ofrecer to offer
observar to observe
navegar to navigate; to sail
conseguir to get; to find
llenar to fill up
ahorrar to save
divertirse to enjoy; to have fun
hacer una caminata to take a walk
hacer una excersion to go on an excursion; guided tour
montar to put up
utilizar to use
escalar montañas to climb mountains
seguir to follow
refrescarse to cool down
recostarse to lie down
hacer un crucero to get on a cruise
pararse to stand up
ver el amanecer to watch the sunrise
reunirse to get together; to meet
marearse to get seasick; to become dizzy
ver la puesta del sol to watch the sunset
levantarse to get up
montar a caballo to ride a horse
visitar un museo to visit a museum
competir to complete
ponerse la ropa to put on clothes
despertarse to wake up
meter un gol to score a goal
tomar fotos to take photos
hacer ejercicio to exercise
vestirse to get dressed
jugar en equipo to play on a team
secarse to dry oneself
contar to tell
acostarse to go to bed
cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth
pescar to fish
dar una caminata to hike
lavarse to wash oneself
hacer una excursión to go on a day trip
desayunar to have breakfast
dibujar to draw
acampar to camp
cenar to have dinner
bañarse to take a bath
estar en línea to be online
regatear to bargain
explicar to explain
describir to describe
donar to donate
estar/no estar de acuerdo con to agree/ disagree with
investigar to investigate
distribuir to distribute
patrocinar to sponsor
otorgar to grant
publicar to publish
presentar to present
traducir to translate
emitir to broadcast
entrevistar to interview
tener éxito to be successful
hacer un papel to play a role
filmar to film
editar to edit
fracasar to fail
esperar to wait
hacer clic en to click on
dejar un mensaje to leave a message
estrenar to premiere
batir to beat
añadir to add
hervir to boil
probar to taste
freír to fry
mezclar to mix
cazar to hunt
construir to build
cruzar to cross
doblar to turn
transformar to transform
morir to die
regresar to return
casarse to get married
llevar to carry; to take
llorar to cry
pelear to fight
ser de to be made of
estar hecho/a a mano to be handmade
tener prisa to be in a hurry
cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth
acostarse to go to bed
dormirse to fall asleep
secarse to dry oneself
entrenarse to train
encender la luz to turn on the light
ducharse to take a shower
apagar la luz to turn off the light
maquillarse to put on makeup
peinarse to comb one's hair
arreglarse to get ready
afeitarse to shave oneself
competir to compete
jugar en equipo to play on a team
mantenerse en forma to stay in shape
jugar to play
tener una reservación to have a reservation
tomar fotos to take photos
regatear to bargain
estar de vacaciones to be on vacation
mandar tarjetas postales to send postcards
ver las atracciones to go sightseeing
dar una caminata to hike
facturar el equipaje to check one's luggage
ir de vacaciones to go on vacation
hacer la maleta to pack a suitcase
pasar por seguridad to go through security
hacer cola to get in line
viajar to travel
confirmar el vuelo to confirm a flight
tomar un taxi to take a taxi
llamar a to call someone
hacer un viaje to take a trip
pasar por la aduana go through customs
abordar to board
importar to port
ser importante to be important
encantar to delight
estar de moda to be in style
quedar mal to fit badly
quedar bien to fit well
interesar to interest
jugar al fútbol to play soccer
vestirse to get dressed
recomendar to recommend
queder to fit
pasar un rato con los amigos to spend time with friends
practicar deportes practice sports
escuchar música to listen to music
mirar la television to watch television
ir de compras to go shopping
beber refrescos to have soft drinks
estudiar to study
almorzar to have lunch
leer un libro to read a book
escribir correos electrónicos to write e-mails
Created by: lawemi
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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