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VET 115 Week 3

Small Ruminant

What is white muscle disease? Nutritional myodegeneration, Dietary deficiency of selenium and/or vitamin E
What age does white muscle disease affect? young
T/F: Caseous lymphadenitis is zoonotic True
What are the two forms of Caseous lymphadenitis? External form, Internal form
Which form of Caseous lymphadenitis is more common in goats? External form
Which form of Caseous lymphadenitis is more common in sheep? Internal form
How is Caseous lymphadenitis transferred? Exposure to infectious exudate, Broken skin, Inhalation or ingestion
What are the CS of Caseous lymphadenitis? Weight loss, Lymph node abscesses
How is Caseous lymphadenitis treated? Culling, Vaccinate, Supportive care, Antibiotics
What are the signs of Copper Toxicity? Depression, Anorexia, Weakness, Hemoglobinuria, Hemoglobinemia, Anemia, Icterus
Which organ does copper toxicity damage? Liver
How is copper toxicity treated? Diuresis w/ IV fluids, Blood transfusion
How is pseudopregnancy treated? Prostaglandin
What are the clinical signs of Mastitis? Swollen udder, Chapped, Red, Dripping
How is mastitis treated? Milk out, Antibiotics, NSAIDS, clean area, possible teat/udder amputations, cull animals w/ chronic mastitis
T/F: Urinary issues affect wethers more True
What is urolithiasis caused by? Too much grain in diet
What are the CS of urinary issues? Straining to urinate, obstructed and will cry from pain, urine dripping and possibly blood, flagging tail, kicking at belly, swelling
How are urinary issues treated? Cystotomy, Urethral catheterization, PU Sx
What is the most common cause of lameness in goats? Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE)
What percent of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis has CS? 20%
What are the clinical signs of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis? None responsive arthritis, Acute leukoencephalomyelitis, Chronic pneumonia, Chronic encephalomyelitis, Chronic weight loss, "hard udder"
What are the CS of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis in kids? Weakness, ataxia, hindlimb, hypertonia, hyperreflexia
What are the progressing CS of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis? Paraparesis, tetra paresis, paralysis depression, head tilt, circling, opisthotonos, torticollis, and paddling
How is Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis transferred? Infected dams and colostrum
How is Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis treated? Cull animal, heat colostrum before feeding
What is Pregnancy Toxemia also known as? Ketosis
What causes Pregnancy Toxemia? Hypoglycemia, Increased fat, Ketonemia, Ketonuria, Increased demands
How is Pregnancy Toxemia treated? Supportive care (depends on the severity of attack), Propylene glycol orally
What is a major issue during parturition? Hypocalcemia
How is pink eye treated? Self limiting, Tetracycline antibiotics, eye patches
What is Contagious ecthyma also known as? Sore mouth/Orf
T/F: Contagious ecthyma is zoonotic True
What are the CS of Contagious ecthyma ? Crusty lesions around mouth and nose, occasionally found on feet, teats and udders.
How is Contagious ecthyma treated? Antimicrobials
What is blue tongue also known as? Orbivirus
How is blue tongue tranmitted? Culicoides gnat
What are the CS of blue tongue? Fever, edema of lips, gums and tongue; Serous nasal discharge turning mucopurulent, tongue ulcerates and necrosis appearing, blue, lameness, abortion
How is blue tongue treated? Supportive care
What is Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy also known as? Scrapie
What are the CS of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy? Behavioral, Scratching, rubbing, head pressing, ataxia and/or gait abnormalities, weight loss in face of appetite, convulsions
How is Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy transferred? Vertical (placenta)
How is Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy treated? Cull positive animals
What is Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) also known as? Retroviridae virus
How is Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) transferred? Milk and colostrum
What are the CS of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP)? Labored breathing, Coughing (productive), Anorexia, Fever, Depression, CNS symptoms and mastitis
How is Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) treated? Cull positive animals
What is the most widely dispersed and important ectoparasite of sheep? Melophagus ovinus (Sheep Ked)
How is Melophagus ovinus (Sheep Ked) treated? Shear before lambing, Insecticides
Created by: Acraft02
Popular Veterinary sets




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