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L2M1.1 Elevadas

el apodo nickname
el apellido last name
la edad age
¿Cuántos años tiene? How old is he/she?
Tiene (# in Spanish) años. He/She is # years old.
¿Dónde creció? Where did he/she grow up?
Creció en…(place) He/She grew up in ...
¿Cuándo se murió? When did he/she die?
Murió / Falleció el (#) de (month) en (place). He/She died the # of month in place.
¿Dónde murió? Where did he/she die?
alegre happy
arrollador/a/e overwhelming
carismático/a | carismátique charismatic
competitivo/a/e competitive
diligente diligent
excepcional exceptional
exigente demanding;exacting
espontáneo/a/e spontaneous
generoso/a/e generous
reflexivo/a/e reflective; thoughtful
revolucionario revolutionary
terco/a | terque stubborn
tolerante tolerant
¿Cuál es/era la ocupación de esa persona? What was the occupation of that person? What was that person's occupation?
En su carrera es/era… In his/her career he/she was
un/una estrella(s) a star; stars
un/una ídolo an idol
activista activist
actor/actriz actor/actress
astronauta astronaut
autor/a author
bioquímico/a biochemist
botánico/a botanist
cantante singer
científico/a/os/as scientist; scientists
compositor/a composer
deportista athlete
escritor/a writer
explorador/a explorer
gobernador/a govenor
ingeniero/a engineer
investigador/a investigator
jugador/a/e player
maestro/a teacher
matemático/a mathmatician
médico/a doctor
músico/a musician
poeta poet
político/a politician
representante representative
senador/a senator
veterano/a veteran
entrenador/a trainer
profesor/a professor
¿Por qué es notable? Why is he/she notable?
Es notable porque… He/She is notable (important) because
Es famoso/a porque… He/She is famous because...
ayuda he/she/it helps
ayudó he/she/it helped
estudia he/she/it studys
estudió he/she/it studied
impacta he/she/it impacts
impactó he/she/it impacted
inspira he/she/it inspires
inspiró he/she/it inspired
juega he/she/it plays
jugó he/she/it played
recibe un premio he/she/it recieves an award
recibió un premio he/she/it recieved an award
representa he/she/it represents
representó he/she/it represented
argentino/a Argentinian, Argentinean, Argentine
boliviano/a Bolivian
chileno/a Chilean
colombiano/a Colombian
costarricense Costa Rican
cubano/a Cuban
dominicano/a Dominican
ecuatoguineano/a native/inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea
ecuatoriano/a Ecuadorian
español/a Spanish/Spaniard
estadounidense American from the USA
guatemalteco/a Guatemalan
hispano/a/os/as Hispanic
hondureño/a Honduran
latino/a/os/as/latinx Latin
mexicano/a Mexican
nicaragüense NIcaraguan
panameño/a Panamanian
paraguayo/a Paraguayan
peruano/a Peruvian
puertorriqueño/a Puerto Rican
salvadoreño/a Salvadorian,Salvadorean, Salvadoran
uruguayo/a Uruguayan
venezolano/a Venezuelan
Es una inspiración porque… He/She/It is an inspiration because
Es una leyenda porque… He/She/It is a legend because
Se hizo famoso/a porque… He/She/It became famous because
actua He/She acts
cambia He/She changes
descubre He/She discovers
empieza He/She/It begins
funda He/She founds
gana un trofeo He/She wins a trophy
inicia He/She/It initiates, starts
lucha He/She/It fights, wrestles
protege He/She/It protects
trabaja en He/She/It works in
viaja He/She/It travels
Se hizo famoso/a por… He/She/It became famous for
los éxitos Successes
su rol his/her role
¿Qué te influyó? What influenced you?
... me influyó … _________ influenced me....
¿A quién admiras? Who do you admire?
Admiro a…. I admire ...
¿Quién te influyó? Who influenced you?
¿Cómo te influyó? How did he/she/it influence you?
actuó He/She acted
cambió He/She/It changed
descubrió He/She discovered
empezó He/She began
fundó He/She/It founded
ganó un campeonato He/She won a championship
inició He/She initiated, began
luchó por los derechos He/She fought for the rights
trabajó en He/She worked in
protegió los derechos de … He/She protected the rights of...
viajó He/She traveled
por… for... by...
cambiar la mente de la gente to change people's minds
darle una voz a la gente subrepresentada to give a voice to underrepresented people
descubrir una idea nueva to discover a new idea
pensar fuera de la caja to think outside the box
proteger a la gente to protect people
ser un modelo a imitar to be a model (to imitate); to be a good role model
Created by: user-1562545
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