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Congressional Debate

Adjourn to stop debate for the day
Affirmative Speech a speech with a 3 minute maximum time on the bill or resolution being debated in the chamber
Agenda order that bills and resolutions will be debated in the chamber
Authorship speech a persuasive speech by the author of the bill or resolution
Awards assembly where the best speakers and presiding officers are recognized
Ballot the judge will offer positive and negative comments for legislators
Best speaker nominated by the judge and elected by the chamber members
Bill a list of sections, which if enacted by the chamber members will become law
Chamber the room where legislative debate takes place
Clerk handles the placing of legislators on the seating chart, distributes copies of bills/resolutions, reads the bills/resolutions, distributes and collects the ballots when voting for the presiding officer and best speaker
Cross-examination (CX) questioning period of the author or speakers
Delegation school's representation in the chamber
Government agency the administrative division of government that will enforce the bill, if passed into law
Judge/Scorer a coach or parent, who writes ballots, awards speaker points and nominates the best speakers at the end of the session
Judge Parliamentarian a coach or parent who writes ballots and awards points for the presiding officer of each session
Legislator students role-playing senators, representatives and presiding officers
Negative speech a speech with a 3 minute maximum time against the bill or resolution being debated in the chamber
Orders of the day the time to end debate, elect the presiding officer for the next session, nominate the best speakers, vote on the best speakers and recess or adjourn
Page the person who delivers evidence from chamber to chamber
Parliamentary procedure the system used to conduct business in the chamber
Presiding officer the legislator elected by the chamber members to be in control of the session
Recess a break in debating
Resolution a series of whereas clauses, which if enacted by the chamber members will express a conviction to a person, place, or thing
Seating chart a chart with the legislators' and schools' names
Session a round, from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, of legislative debate
Stu Co student congress
Table of motions a list of the names of motions, purposes, of motions, etc.
Timekeeper the person timing the speakers with cards
Main motion to introduce a business
Postpone indefinitely to suppress action
Amend to modify a motion
Amend an amendment to modify an amendment
Refer to a committee for further study
Postpone to a certain time to defer action
Limit or extend debate to modify freedom of debate
Previous question to force an immediate vote
Lay on the table to defer action
Take from the table To consider tabled motion
Reconsider To consider a defeated motion again
Rescind To repeal previous action
Suspend the rules to take action contrary to a standing rules
Leave to modify or withdraw a motion to modify or withdraw a motion
Divide a motion To consider its parts separately
Object to the consideration of a question to suppress action
Division of the chamber to verify a voice vote
Rise to a point of order or parliamentary procedure to correct a parliamentary error or ask a question
Appeal a decision of the chair to reverse a decision
Call for orders of the day to force a consideration of a postponed motion
Rise to a question of privilege to make a personal request during debate
Recess To dismiss the meeting for a specific length of time
Adjourn to dismiss the meeting
Fix time for reassembling to arrange time of next meeting
precedency Participants who have spoken the least amount of times
recency debaters who have spoken least recently.
Created by: kingjdred
Popular American Government sets




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