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PTAS 110

Chapter 2

levels of health care primary secondary tertiary
primary level of health care provided by practitioners who are accountable for majority of needs of patients or client
secondary level of health care provided by practitioners by referral
Tertiary level of health care provided by practitioners in highly specialized settings
which is the most common level of health care for PTs? Secondary level of health
Screening determine need for services
prevention conduct evaluation and prescribe exercises to avoid pain and dysfunction
ergonomic assessments work place safety assessment
functional capacity Evals functional capabilities for someone returning to work
Work conditioning/ Hardening job simulation for a work day
patient or client management model Examination evaluation diagnosis prognosis intervention outcomes
Examination history: gather info from medical record, interviews, other professionals Review of systems; musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, integumentary test and measure; specific procedures
Evaluation clinical judgement based on data from examination
diagnosis label based on evaluation
prognosis predicted level of improvement, plan of care, goals functional measurable patient or client centered
intervention conduct procedures to achieve desired outcomes
outcomes results of interventions
SOAP S=Subjective (patient description) open to interpretation O= Objective (therapist measures) A= Assessment (judgement; includes goals) P= Plan (course of action)
aerobic capacity or endurance T&M ability to use body's oxygen system
anthropometric Characteristics T&M body dimensions
assistive technology T&M equipment to improve function
balance T&M ability to maintain equilibrium
circulation (arterial, venous, lymphatic) T&M analysis of ability to move fluid
community, social, and civic life T&M ability to engage in social activity outside of home
cranial and peripheral nerve integrity T&M assessment of function of nerves
education life T&M abilities in schools and other education settings ( most common among pediatrics)
environmental factors T&M impediment to function
gait T&M ability to walk
integumentary integrity T&M health of skin
mental functions; T&M global and specific functions of the brain
mobility T&M ability to change body position
motor function T&M control of voluntary movement
muscle performance T&M capacity of muscle to generate force
neuromotor development and sensory processing T&M evolution of movement skills and integration with information from the environment
VAS T&M Visual Analog scale (pain scale)
Pain T&M cause, intensity, quality, frequency of pain
posture T&M alignment of body
range of motion (ROM) T&M active and passive movement at a joint
reflex integrity T&M analysis of neural pathway of reflex
self-care and domestic life T&M analysis of activities for independent living
Airway clearance technique intervention activities to maintain a clear airway pt with cystic fibrous, COPD,
assistive technology intervention prescription, application, and fabrication; use of equipment to enhance function
Biophysical agents intervention thermal, acoustic, electric or radiant energy to improve function
intervention functional training in self-care, work and civic life activities to improve function in home, work and community
intervention Integumentary repair and protective techniques activities to improve wound healing
intervention Manual therapy technique hands-on techniques to increase joint motion and reduce pain
intervention Motor function training planned physical movements
intervention Therapeutic exercise activities to improve function and health status
other professional roles consultation- recommendation to pt or clients, another health professional, organization education - clinical instruction to pt or clients, instruction to students in clinic and academic settings
critical inquiry application of scientific principles to practice
administration direction of clinical or academic units
Aerboic capacity or endurance T&M ability to use body's oxygen system
Created by: Rainze
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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