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Endocrinology Study of hormones – what they are, what they do, where they come from, and how they work
Crine means secretion
Endo means to happen inside the body
Endocrine system Uses chemical messengers to relay information between cells, often over long distances
How many different hormones do humans have About 30
Functions of the Endocrine System 1. Regulates long-term processes – Growth – Development – Reproduction 2.Uses chemical messengers to relay information and instructions between cells 3. Works with the nervous system to maintain homeostasis
Exocrine cells Secrete products onto epithelial surfaces via ducts – Ex: sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, salivary glands, goblet cells (mucous)
Endocrine cells – Glandular secretory cells without ducts (ductless) – Products released directly into the blood – Products are called hormones – Hormones circulate until they reach a specific target tissue – Ex: thyroid releasing hormone (TRH), thyroid stimulating h
Inter means BETWEEN
4 types of intercellular communication 1) Direct 2) Paracrine 3) Endocrine 4) Synaptic
Direct 2 cells function as one unit) – Exchange of ions and molecules between adjacent cells across gap junctions – Occurs between 2 cells of same type – Highly specialized and relatively rare: heart and cilia
Paracrine (cells in the same tissue talking) – Local hormones – Uses chemical signals to transfer information from cell to cell within single tissue, autocrine communication to same cells
Endocrine (message usually from far away) – Endocrine cells release chemicals (hormones) into bloodstream – Alters metabolic activities of many tissues and organs simultaneously
Target Cells Are specific cells that possess receptors needed to bind and “read” hormonal messages
Synaptic Communication (nerve to: nerve, muscle, or gland) – Ideal for crisis management! – Occurs across synaptic clefts – Chemical message is neurotransmitter – Limited to a very specific, small area (across the synaptic cleft, only) – Short-lived, broken down fast
Hormones = the Keys
Target cell receptors = he Locks
Hormone ‘key’ released from secretory cell • Circulates in blood until reaches target cell ‘lock’
Target cell has a receptor specifically for the hormone
Hormone bypasses cells with the wrong receptors ( Key does not fit these locks)
Hormone binds to receptor of target cell, ‘unlocking’ the chemical message
Physiological response begins in target cell
4 Common Responses of the Target Cell After hormone binds, a response occurs in the target cell: a) Produces new hormone b) Makes new enzyme (protein) c) Increase or decrease the rate at which an enzyme or protein is manufactured in the cell d) Open or close a gate or channel in the mem
Free hormones (usually peptide hormones) – Remain functional for < 1 hour • Diffuse out of bloodstream and bind to receptors on target cells • Broken down and absorbed by cells of liver or kidneys • Broken down by enzymes in plasma or interstitial fluids
Bound hormones (usually thyroid and lipid hormones) – Remain in circulation much longer because > 99% are bound to special transport proteins (albumins) – Bloodstream contains substantial reserve of bound hormones
3 Classes of Hormones A. Amino acid derivatives • Small molecules related to amino acids (protein building blocks) B. Peptide hormones • Chains of amino acids, mostly stored as prohormones (inactive) until secreted C. Lipid derivatives • Eicosanoids made from arachidon
Amino Acid Derivatives Small molecules structurally related to amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
Tyrosine makes: (DENT) • Dopamine made from levodopa in brain and kidney • Epinephrine, Norepinephrine made in adrenal medulla • Dopamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine are catecholamines • Thyroid hormone made by thyroid gland
Tryptophan makes: (Phan of being happy and sleepy) • Melatonin made by pineal gland • Serotonin made by brain and gut
Tyrosine – Dopamine – Epinephrine – Norepinephrine – Thyroid hormone (T4 – thyroxine)
Tryptophan – Melatonin – Serotonin
Peptide Hormones Made as prohormones (inactive), then converted to active
Glycoproteins – More than 200 aa long with CHO sidechains – TSH, FSH, LH – all from lobe of anterior pituitary gland
Short polypeptides/small proteins – Includes all from hypothalamus, thymus, heart, GI, pancreas, and posterior lobe of pituitary gland – Short: 9 aa’s long are short chain polypeptides like ADH and OXT – Small: longer chains of protein like insulin (51 aa), GH (191 aa), and PRL
Lipid Derivatives Eicosanoids, Steroid Hormones,
Eicosanoids – Derived from arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon fatty acid – 4 types (see next slide)
Steroid Hormones – Derived from lipids similar to cholesterol – Bound to carrier proteins so stay in circulation much longer – Released by reproductive organs of males and females, by cortex of adrenal glands, and by kidneys, and created as vitamin D (see next slide
Lipid-derived Eicosanoids Leukotrienes, Prostaglandins, Thromboxane, Prostacyclin
Leukotrienes – Pro-allergic response (asthma and rhinitis) – Singulair
Prostaglandins – Pain, uterine contractions which cause menstrual cramps – Suppressed by COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors
Thromboxane – Vasoconstriction and blood clot formation (thrombosis) – Raises blood pressure
Prostacyclin – Opposite of thromboxane – Prevents formation of platelet plug (clot) and is a vasodilator
Lipid-derived Steroids • Made from cholesterol • Bound to specific transport proteins in blood plasma • Ex: albumin protein • Circulate longer than peptide hormones, longer lasting effects • Reproductive organs • Ovaries release estrogen and progesterone • Testes release
Upregulation vs. Downregulation Cells change the number of receptors in their membranes in order to deal with lack of or too much of a hormone
Receptor Locations in a Cell + the HRC 1. Intracellular Receptors 2. Cell Surface Receptors
Intracellular Receptors are located in cytoplasm or on DNA of target cell
Cell Surface Receptors are located on plasma membrane of target cell
What happens when a hormone binds to a receptor? it forms a Hormone Receptor Complex (HRC)
Up-regulation – Absence of a specific hormone (low levels compared to normal) – Triggers increase in number of hormone receptors for that hormone
Down-regulation – Overabundance of specific hormone (high levels compared to normal) – Triggers decrease in number of receptors for that hormone
REMINDER: The cell plasma membrane is an amphipathic phospholipid bilayer
Water soluble, non-steroid hormones – Are first messengers – Cannot enter cell and must bind outside, relying on a second messenger to relay the instructions to the cell – Causes a second messenger (like cAMP or calcium) to activate
Lipid soluble hormones – Can enter cell cytoplasm or through nuclear envelope to DNA and create change
Amplification – When a small number of first messengers causes thousands of second messengers to be made in the cell
Receptor cascade – When a single hormone causes the release of more than one type of second messenger in a series of linked reactions
Types of Receptor Systems • Direct gene activation • Second messenger system
Direct gene activation – Intracellular receptors – Hormones are lipid soluble steroids and can enter lipid bilayer directly to DNA
Second messenger system – Plasma membrane receptors – Water-soluble non-steroid hormones which are not made of lipids and therefore cannot dissolve through the lipid bilayer – Two groups: 1. G-protein linked receptors (ex: glucagon receptor) 2. Non-G linked receptors (ex:
Lipid-soluble Steroid Hormones Use Direct Gene Activation
Lipid-soluble Steroid Hormone (SH) • Made from cholesterol • Will dissolve through lipids, like the plasma lipid bilayer • Direct Gene Activation – Enters nucleus, binds to intracellular receptor on DNA directly • Slower action – hours to days after initial binding of receptor • D
Lipid-soluble Steroid Hormone List 1. Aldosterone -Adrenal gland (CORTEX making corticosteroids) 2. Cortisol-Adrenal gland (CORTEX making corticosteroids) 3. Androgens-Adrenal gland (CORTEX making corticosteroids) 4. Testosterone-Testes 5. Estrogens-Ovaries 6. Progesterone- Ovaries 7
Direct Gene Activation 1. Travels in blood, bound to ‘taxi’ protein carrier like albumin. Passes through lipid bilayer 2. Enters nucleus through pore and binds to hormone receptor to form a Hormone Receptor Complex (HRC) 3. Docks on shape-specific receptor on DNA (or mitocho
Water-soluble Non-steroid Hormones Use 2nd Messenger Systems
Water-soluble Non-Steroid Hormone (NSH) • Will dissolve in blood and easily be transported by plasma (liquid) • 2nd Messenger System • Once bound, cascade of events triggered inside the cell leads to cellular change (signal transduction) • Receptors for catecholamines, peptides, and some
Second (2nd) Messenger System Players • First messengers • Hormone Receptor Complex • G protein • Adenylate Cyclase • 3 Second messengers • Protein kinase
First messengers – All are water soluble and must bind to an extracellular receptor – Catecholamines, peptide hormones, eicosanoids
Hormone Receptor Complex – Where the first messenger (hormone) binds to the extracellular receptor
G protein – Attached inside cell to bottom of extracellular receptor – Interprets first messenger instructions – Tells adenylate cyclase to make cAMP or uses Ca2+ to open Ca2+ channel
Adenylate Cyclase – Gets the first message from G protein – If excited, converts ATP to cAMP (the 2nd messenger) inside the cell
3 Second messengers 1. Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) 2. Cyclic Guanine Monophosphate (cGMP) 3. Calcium (Ca2+)
Protein kinase – Understands the second messenger is cAMP – Phosphorylates a protein that is either in the cytoplasm already or is part of a membrane channel – Causes changes to happen in the cell, for example: • Epinephrine causes heart muscles to contract faster
2nd Messenger System 1. Water soluble hormone is first messenger 2. Seeks and binds to specific hormone receptor on plasma membrane surface. Forms Hormone Receptor Complex HRC. 3. Activates G-protein 4. G-protein activates Adenylate Cyclase AC, which converts ATP t
Breaking cAMP: Phosphodiesterase (PDE) • Remember: cAMP is the second messenger! • As long as it exists, the cell continues to phosphorylate a protein and cause an effect to occur • cAMP levels usually short-lived because phosphodiesterase, an enzyme in the cytoplasm, will inactivate cA
**Note: (About Effectors) an effector is a thing which causes change. In 2nd messenger systems, there are several effectors (like G-protein) moving the message forward, and one effector (PK) which performs the final step to bring about change!
G-proteins can do 2 things with calcium • Open calcium channels in the plasma membrane • Release calcium ions stored inside the cell (i.e., terminal cisternae near actin/myosin/tropomyosin)
Catecholamines, ADH, and OXT use calcium as 2nd messenger
G-proteins and Calcium players • Calcium • G-protein • Phospholipase C (PLC) • Diacylglycerol (DAG) • Inositol triphosphate (IP3) • Protein kinase C (PKC) • Calmodulin (CaM)
Endocrine Reflexes 1. Humoral stimuli 2. Hormonal stimuli 3. Neural stimuli
Humoral stimuli • Changes in composition of extracellular fluid • Heart, pancreas, parathyroid glands, and digestive tract
Hormonal stimuli • Changes in levels of circulating hormones • Arrival or removal of specific hormone
Neural stimuli Arrival of neurotransmitters at neuroglandular junctions
Simple endocrine reflex • Involves only 1 hormone • Controls hormone secretion by the heart, pancreas, parathyroid gland, and digestive tract
Complex endocrine reflex • One or more intermediary steps • 2 or more hormones • Often involve the hypothalamus • Hypothalamus: the portion of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland
Created by: tarich5z
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