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III K2 Vokabeln
Term | Definition |
die Fähre | the ferry |
der Flug | the flight |
der Flugbegleiter | the male flight attendant |
die Flugbegleiterin | the female flight attendant |
die Kreuzfahrt | the cruise |
der Passagier | the male passenger |
die Passagierin | the female passenger |
das Reisebüro | the travel agency |
die Reservierung | the reservation |
das Ticket | the ticket |
der Tourist | the male tourist |
die Touristin | the female tourist |
aussteigen | to get out/off |
buchen | to book |
einsteigen | to board; to get on |
gehen an Bord | to go on board |
reservieren | to reserve |
verreisen | to go on a trip |
die Atmosphäre | the atmosphere |
das Doppelzimmer | the double room |
das Einzelzimmer | the single room |
die Halbpension | with 2 meals included |
die Jugendherberge | the hostel |
der Komfort | the comfort |
die Lage | the location |
die Mahlzeit | the meal |
die Pension | the bed-and-breakfast |
der Preis | the price |
die Rezeption | the reception desk |
der Service | the service |
die Unterkunft | the accommodation |
das Verkehrsnetz | the transportation network |
die Vollpension | with 3 meals included |
familiär | family-friendly |
günstig | inexpensive |
vernünftig | reasonable |
zentral | central |
übernachten | to stay overnight |
etwas Neues | something new |
das Heimweh | the homesickness |
der Koffer | the suitcase |
das Motorboot | the motorboat |
die Sehenswürdigkeit | the sight; the place of interest |
das Souvenir | the souvenir |
der Spaziergang | the walk |
abenteuerlich | adventurous |
aufregend | exciting |
entspannend | relaxing |
auspacken | to unpack |
entdecken | to discover |
erleben | to experience |
faulenzen | to lounge |
tauchen | to scuba dive |
im Ausland | abroad |
die Reise | the trip |
das Schiff | the ship |
der Urlaub | the vacation |
das Zimmer | the room |
billig | cheap |
freundlich | friendly |
laut | loud |
preiswert | low-cost |
ruhig | quiet; calm |
teuer | expensive |
unfreundlich | unfriendly |
unterwegs | on the way |
zu Hause | at home |
planen | to plan |