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Las relaciones
Vocabulario 1 - Las relaciones personales
Term | Definition |
autoritario/a | strict |
cariñoso/a | affectionate |
celoso/a | jealous |
cuidadoso/a | careful |
falso/a | insincere |
gracioso/a | funny |
inseguro/a | insecure |
(im)maduro/a | (im)mature |
mentiroso/a | lying |
orgulloso/a | proud |
permisivo/a | permissive |
seguro/a | sure; confident |
sensato/a | sensible |
sensible | sensitive |
tacaño/a | stingy |
tímido/a | shy |
tradicional | traditional |
agobiado/a | overwhelmed |
ansioso/a | anxious |
deprimido/a | depressed |
disgustado/a | upset |
emocionado/a | excited |
preocupado/a (por) | worried (about) |
solo/a | alone; lonely |
tranquilo/a | calm |
adorar | to adore |
apreciar | to think highly of |
enamorarse (de) | to fall in love (with) |
estar harto/a (de) | to be sick (of) |
odiar | to hate |
sentirse | to feel |
soñar (con) | to dream (about) |
tener celos (de) | to be jealous (of) |
tener vergüenza (de) | to be embarrassed (about) |
el/la amado/a | loved one |
el ánimo | spirit |
el cariño | affection |
la cita (a ciegas) | (blind) date |
el compromiso | commitment |
la confianza | trust; confidence |
el desánimo | the state of being discouraged |
el divorcio | divorce |
la pareja | couple; partner |
el sentimiento | feeling |
atraer | to attract |
coquetear | to flirt |
cuidar | to take care of |
dejar a alguien | to leave someone |
discutir | to argue |
educar | to raise; to bring up |
hacerle caso a alguien | to pay attention to someone |
impresionar | to impress |
llevar...años de (casados) | to be (married) for...years |
llevarse bien/mal/fatal | to get along well/badly/terribly |
mantenerse en contacto | to keep in touch |
pasarlo bien/mal/fatal | to have a good/bad/terrible time |
proponer matrimonio | to propose |
romper (con) | to break up (with) |
salir (con) | to go out (with) |
soportar a alguien | to put up with someone |
casado/a | married |
divorciado/a | divorced |
separado/a | separated |
soltero/a | single |
viudo/a | widowed |