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Berto Vocab 1 - 4

Estar to be [location, feelings]
Ser To be [description, identity]
tener to have
llamarse to be called; to be named
hablar to talk, to speak
parar to stop
gritar to shout, to scream
cantar to sing
dormir to sleep
pasar un rato con los amigos to spend time with friends
gustar to like
jugar to play
charlar to chat
estudiar to study
hacer la tarea to do homework
trabajar to work
pensar to think
ir to go
poder to be able to
bajo short
alto tall
rubio blonde
moreno dark-haired
verde green
castaño brown
guapo attractive
feo unattractive
diferente different
aburrido boring
interesante interesting
inteligente intelligent
serio serious
cómico funny
divertido fun
desorganizado unorganized
enorme large
bueno good
pequeño small
verdad true
también also
ja ja ha ha
amigo friend
profesor professor
estudiante student
la escuela school
cuarenta y cinco 45
cien 100
mil 1,000
durante during
en vez de instead of
mejor better
digo I say/I tell
Duerme he/she sleeps
Piensa he/she thinks
Tengo I have
Piensan they think
hay there is/there are
Futbolista soccer player
talento talent
fenomenal phenomenal
la tarde afternoon
la noche night
la mañana morning, tomorrow
un estadio stadium
coche car
autobús bus
limosina limousine
roja red
amarillo yellow
morado purple
azul blue
equipo team
deporte sport
más _____ que more ___ than
podemos we can
jugador player
comprendo I understand
absurdo absurd
Miro I look at
Quiero ser I want to be
ir to go
vamos we go
querer to want
La verdad the truth
de repente suddenly
primero first
les gusta it is liked by them
pintar to paint
dibujar to draw
colorear to color
aquí here
a pie on foot
El museo the museum
hace calor it's hot
hace frío it's cold
Está lloviendo it's raining
llueve rain
Está nevando it's snowing
hace sol it's sunny
pinturas paintings
pintores painters
caminar to walk
me duelen they cause me pain
llorar to cry
empezar to start
Empiezo I start
doler to hurt
mirar to look at
dice he says
decir to say
estás llorando you are crying
Le respondo I respond to him/her
la pastelería bakery
tener hambre to be hungry
Patatas fritas french fries
yogur yogurt
verdad true
la sopa soup
andar en patineta to skateboard
ruedas wheels
la patienta skateboard
tomar to drink
el café coffee
¡Qué asco! How gross!
el bolsillo pocket
rica rich
comprar to buy
veintitrés 23
galletas cookies
el helado ice cream
coco coconut
fresa strawberry
tarde late
Cenar to eat dinner
explotar to explode
Los pasteles pastries
Una emergencia an emergency
Vomitar To vomit
Le digo I tell him/her
un dolor de estómago stomach ache
socorro help
Created by: ProfeCox
Popular Spanish sets




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