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Unit 1 Ch. 2 Europe

Byzantine Empire The surviving eastern Roman Empire and one of the centers of Christendom during the medieval centuries. Survived until its conquest by Muslim forces in 1453.
Constantinople New capital for the eastern half of the Roman Empire; Constantinople’s highly defensible and economically important site helped ensure the city’s cultural and strategic importance for many centuries.
Crusades Described the “holy wars” waged by Western Christendom, especially against the forces of Islam in the eastern Mediterranean from 1095 to 1291 and on the Iberian Peninsula into the 15th century.
Kievan Rus A culturally diverse civilization that emerged around the city of Kiev in the ninth century C.E. and adopted Christianity in the tenth, thus linking this emerging Russian state to the world of Eastern Orthodoxy.
Cyrillic Script Is a writing system used for various languages across Eurasia and closely based on the Greek Alphabet
feudalism a social system existing in medieval Europe in which people worked and fought for nobles(second-hand to king) who gave them protection and land in return
vassals A person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord (medieval king)
serfdom Slaves that owe payments to the landlord, but are not personal property and can still live with their families (Slaves with benefits)
Italian city-states Italy was a collection of city-states, like Venice, Genoa, Florence, and Milan, each with its own ruler
three-field system a system of crop rotation which allowed considerably more land to be planted at any one time
Renaissance A “rebirth” of classical learning that is most often associated with the cultural blossoming of Italy in the period 1350–1500 and major developments in art, as well as growing secularism (living well) in society.
Holy Roman Empire Political entity in Western, Central and Southern Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages
Created by: danlop0435
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