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PTAS 203 Exam 2

Study Guide PTAS 203 Exam 2

Superficial burn Cell trauma and injury to the outer dermis without injury to the dermal tissue
Superficial partial thickness burn Damage to the epidermis into the papillary layer of the dermis; very painful
Deep partial thickness burn Destruction of the epidermis and severe damage of the dermal layer into the reticular layer; grafting usually not needed - not as painful
Full thickness burn All layers of the epidermis and dermis are destroyed - fat layer might be destroyed; grafting required
Subdermal burn Destruction of all tissue from epidermis down to and including bone tissue; usually from electrical burn
Burn complications Infections, inhalation injuries, electrolyte imbalance, cardiac dysfunction, hetertopic bone formation, neuropathy, psychological distress
Autograft patient's own skin
Allograft skin from same species
Xeno or heterograft skin from another species
Psoriasis Chronic, inherited recurrent inflammaory dermatosis where skin is replaced at abnormally fast rate
Herpes Zoster "Shingles" caused by reactivation of the chicken pox virus
Cellulitis Infection (staph, strep) that caused inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues
Urticaria "Hives" - histamine release with local inflammation, vasodilation and edema
Basal cell CA Slow growing skin cancer; not fatal
Malignant melanoma Serious form of skin cancer
Osteoarthritis Degenerative joint disease - progressive destruction of joint cartilage and formation of bone at the joint margins
Gout Familial disorder of purine metabolism resulting in abnormal amounts of urates in the blood
Hyperuricemia Excessive accumulation of uric acid in the blood
Tophus nodular deposit of sodium acid urate crystals
Spondyloysis Bony defect(fracture)of the pars interarticularis of the posterior elements of the spine
Spondylolisthesis Forward displacement of the 4th or 5th lumbar vertebrae and spinal column on vertebrae or sacrum
Anklyosing spondylitis Ossification of the ligaments of the spine (like RA)
Spinal stenosis Narrowing of the spinal canal
Spondylosis Degenerative joint disease of the spine
Osteoporosis Disorder of bone metabolism in which bone mass is decreased
Scoliosis Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Scoliosis curves less than 25' Conservative treatment
Scoliosis curves 25 to 45' CTLSO for curve apex T8 above; TLSO for curve apex lower than T 9
Scoliosis curves 45' Surgery (Harrington rods; Dwyer procedure)
Strain Overuse, overstretching of muscle or tendon(1 less severe, 3 possible tearing)
Sprain Acute partial tear of ligament (1 less severe, 3 complete tear)
Fibromyalgia Chronic muscle pain and soft tissues diagnosed by revealing 11 out of 18 tender points
Polymyositis Painful, progressive disease that causes inflammation of muscles (usually of shoulder and pelvis) that may disappear
Lyme Disease Infection disease caused by a tick bite
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Form of RA that affects children
Osteomyletis Infection of the bone and bone marrow usually caused by a staph infection
Paget's Disease Chronic disease of normal bone maintenance where new bone is produced faster than old bone is broken down
Osteomalacia Loss of bone mineralization usually caused by Vit D deficiency
Rickets Loss of bone mineralization usually caused by Vit D deficiency in children
Herniated intervertebral disk Nucleus polposis leakd through the walls of the disk and may press on the spinal cord
Plantar fasciitis Heel spur syndrome; inflammatory response of calcaneus
Open or compound fracture Break over the skin at the site of the fracture
Closed fracture Ucomplicated fracture with intact skin over the fracture site
Complete fracture Fracture line extends through the entire bone; periosteum is displaced on both sides
Incomplete fracture Fracture line extends part way through the bone; Willow, green-stick or hickory-stick
Impacted fracture One bone fragment is forcibly driven into another
Displaced fracture Bone fractures are separated at the fracture line
Colles fracture Distal radial fracture
Potts fracture Distal fibula fracture
Stress fracture Fracture that occurs in bones subject to stress
Pathological fracture Fracture in diseased bones
Ecchymosis Internal brusing
Stages of fracture healing Hematoma, granulation, callus, ossification, consolidation & remodeling
Bone union if no surgical intervention 4-6 weeks in children, 6-8 weeks in adolescents, 10-18 weeks in adults
Arthroplasty Surgical formation of a joint
Hemiarthroplasty Half joint replacement
Synovectomy Removal of joint synovia
Athrodesis Surgical ankylosis or joint fusion
Osteotomy Bone alignment by removing a wedge of bone
Autogenous bone graft Bone from patient
Homogenous bone graft Bone from another person
Hetergenous bone graft Bone from another animal (or synthetic material)
Iliazarov Procedure to lengthen bone
Kyphoplasty Realignment of vertebra using glue
Chronic Renal Failure Loss of kidney function (80-90%) resulting in patient's requiring dialysis or kidney transplant
Stress incontinence Urinary leakage during physical activity. Kegel exercise helps to alleviate symptoms
Osteopenia Precursor to osteoporosis where there is lessening of bone density
Patella femoral syndrome Aanterior knee pain form irritation of undersurface of patella due to improper patella tracking
Graves Disease Primary hyperthyroidism where patients may exhibit tacycardia, insomnia due to increased metabolism
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; refers to a category of respiratory diseases.
Hypoxia Low oxygen level
Bronchial asthma Inflammatoryn condition with secondary bronchospasm with attacks of dypnea and wheezing
Cyanosis Lack of oxygen noted by decreased circulation of fingers and lips
Chronic bronchitis Productive cough lasting for at least 3 months over a 2 year period
Emphysema Pathological accumulation of air in tissues especially lungs with destruction of alveoli
Cystic fibrosis Genetic often fatal disease of the exocrine glands that may include respiratory, hepatic, digestive and male reproductive system (s)
Cor pulmonale Pulmonary heart disease where there is enlargement of the R ventricle but inefficient use of the heart
Restrictive lung disease Structural changes in the thorax that cause in imbalance in pulmonary function ; there is no damage to lung function
Pneumonia Acute inflammation of lung tissue
Pulmonary TB Bacterial lung infection characterized by progressive necrosis of lung tissue
Created by: woblevalenski
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