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Goverment chapter 1

Government A group with the power to make & enforce laws
Citizen a member of a state/boundary
Sovereignty Government's absolute authority over citizens
Law Set of rules made & enforced by government
Natural Law Life without government- "survival of the fittest"
Social Contract People trade certain rights to the government in exchange for protection
Natural Rights Humans are born with these- Life, Liberty, Property
Democracy a Government run by the people through voting, majority rules & can harm the minority
Republic Rule by law, through representatives, where minorities are protected by law from the majority harming them
Order Structure, puts an end to chaos ex. Police
Protection Safety, being lead away from danger ex. military
Welfare Good of the community, providing good/services ex. parks
Liberty freedom of choice, rights ex. speech, religion, press
Justice fairness & equality, lack of bias
Monarchy A government ruled by a king or queen
Dictatorship A form of government in which the leader has absolute power and authority.
Absolute Monoarchy K/Q (Always inherited) rule with complete power
Consititutional Monarchy (inherited) who shares power with people and their elected representatives
Federalism Gov't system made of levels of Gov't with their own powers.
Peoples responsibility in The Social Contract -Give up some rights -Follow Laws -Pay taxes
Governments Responsibility in The Social Contract -Protection/Safety -Order/Structure -Freedom/Liberty
Authoritarian A government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power.
Authoritarian Citizen Involvement -Little involvement -Doesn't allow input or criticism
Democratic Citizen Involvement -People and Groups -Interested groups form freely -Choosing to get involved
Auth Communication/Speech -Doesn't allow open criticism (Punishment) -Censor Print & Broadcast materials heavily
Dem Communication/Speech Freedom of Speech -If Govt sensors things, they can't remove FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
Auth Recruitment of Leaders -Selected through process that eliminates most citizens for consideration
Dem Recruitment of Leaders -Leaders don't come from same families, school, part of country -Many people can rule
Auth Effects of Participation -No opportunities -authority asserted force, so reactions to violators may be brutal
Dem Effects of Participation -Political efficacy = opinions -Does your voice actually matter?
Auth Rule of Individuals or Law -Decisions not bound by Law -People subject to judgement of rulers (good or bad)
Dem Rule of Individuals or Law -Agreed upon Laws will govern everyone, inculding the leaders
Auth Elections -No real ones -Rigged -one choice -vote me or die -Only for looks
Dem Elections -fair and give people a real choice between candidates
How a democracy can hurt a smaller group? -Majority can vote together for bad (Overrun small groups)
How a Republic can hurt a smaller group? -Leader can override vote. -Individual rights are protected by law form other people or gov't
Created by: Lauren criswell
Popular Law sets




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