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History Week 2:

Student made deck!

What is the capital of Phoenecia? Tyre
Who was the king that sent wood for Solomon's temple? King Hiram
What was Phoenicia known for? Phoenician Alphabet and boats
Who killed Dido's husband? her brother
What city did Dido establish and become queen of? Carthage
What was Carthage known for? their navy
Who was Carthage's chief god? Baal
What people was Carthage's religion influenced by? Canaanites
Who is the chief Canaanite god? El
Which brothers were thought to have fought that led to the victor being the king of Rome? Romulus and Remus
What was Rome known for? their army
What island of vast resources did Rome and Carthage fight for? Sicily
What was the war that Rome and Carthage had called? Punic War
Who was Rome's greatest menace and the great military strategist from Carthage? Hannibal
Who was Hannibal's father? Hamilcar Barca
What two mountain ranges did Hannibal cross on his journey? Pyrenees and Alps
Where did Hannibal loose 37 of his battle elephants? in the Alps
Where did Hannibal win his greatest victory? Battle of Cannae
When did Rome capture one of Carthage's ships? When they crossed the Rhone
Who was a Roman soldier turned general that had knowledge of Hannibal's war tactics? Scipio
In which battle did Scipio blow horns to create elephant havoc and defeat Carthage? Battle of Zama
How did Hannibal die? Suicide
What does "Carthage est delenda" mean and who ended his speeches with this? Carthage must be destroyed; Cato
Who went to spy on Carthage and saw that they were rebuilding their empire and navy? Cato and senators
What did Rome do to Carthage destroyed it in 7 days
Created by: KonosCrashCourse
Popular History sets




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