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PHCC Phar # 3

PHCC pharm test 3

question,generic name or classAnswer
Xanax alprazolam
What is the class. for Xanax=alprazolam? sedative
What are the classifications for drugs used to treat neuroses? sedatives,antianxiety drugs, minor tranquilzers
Librium chlordiazepoxide
What is the class for Limbrium=chlordiazepoxide? sedative
What is the class for Tranxene? sedative
Valium diazepam
What is the class for Valium=diazepam? used to treat status epilepticus, sedative
Ativan lorazepam
What is the class for Ativan=lorazepam sedative
What are the classifications used to treat psychoses? antipsychotics,major tranqulizers, neuroleptics
Thorazine chlorpromazine
What class is Thorazine=chlorpromazine? antipsychotic + drug used to treat MDI
What class is Seroquel antipsychotic + drug used to treat MDI
What class is Abilify antipsychotic + drug used to treat MDI
What class is Risperdal? antipsychotic + drug used to treat MDI
What class is Zyperxa? antipsychotic + drug used to treat MDI
Haldol haloperidol
What class is Haldon=haloperidol ? antipsychotic + used to treat Tourettes Syndrome
What class is Catapress=clondine? drug used to treat ADHD, antipsychotic+ non-nicotine anti-smoking cessastion drug + antiarrthymic + antihypertensive
What is the class of drugs used to treat MDD called? antidepressants
What class is Lexapor? antidepressant
What class is Effexor? antidepressant
What class is Cymbalta? antidepressant
What class is Prozac? antidepressant
What class is Zoloft? antidepressant
What class is Wellbutrin? antidepressant
What class is Focalin? drug used to treat ADHD
Ritalin methylphenidate
Concerta methylphenidate
What class is Ritalin,Concerta=methylphenidate? drug used to treat ADHD
What class is Adderall? drug used ot treat ADHD
What class is Topamax? Antiseizure + med used to treat MDI + drug used to migraine
What class is Antabuse? med used to treat alcoholism
Dilantin phenytoin
What class is Dilantin=phenytoin? antiseizure
Luminal phenobarbarital " phenobarb"
What class is Lamictal? Antiseizure
Diastat diazapam
What class is Diastat=diazepam med used to treat status epileptus
What class is Aricept? drug used to treat AD (alzheimer disease)
What class is Exelon? drug used to treat AD
What class is Namenda? drug used to treat AD
Duodopa carbidopa & levodopa
Parcopa carbidopa & levodopa
Sinemet carbidopa & levodopa
What class is Duodopa=carbidopa & levodopa? drug used to treat PD
What class is Parcopa =carbidopa & levodopa? drug used to treat PD
What class is Sinmet= carbidopa & levdopa? drug used to treat PD
What class is Requip? drug used ot treat PD
What class Mirapex? drug used to treat PD + drug to treat restless leg syndrome ( RLS)
What class is Ambien? hypnotic
What class is Lunesta? hypnotic
What class is Rozerem? hypnotic
Restoril temazepam
Dalmane flurazepam
What class is Restoril=temazepam? hypnotic
What class is Dalmane=flurazepam? hypnotic
What class is Nytol? OTC hypnotic
What class is Sominex? OTC hypnotic
What is the class for Benadryl=diphenhydramine? OTC hypnotic + antihistamine
Benadryl diphenhydramine
What is the class for Stadol? narcotic analgesic
What is the class for Dilaudid? narcotic analgesic
Demeral meperidine
What class is Demeral=meperidine? narcotic analgesic
Ms Contin or Roxanol morphine sulfate
What class is MS Contin, Roxanol = morphine sulfate narcotic analgesic
What class is Nubain? narcotic analgesic
Oxycontin oxycodone
What class is Oxycontin=oxycodone? narcotic analgesic
What class is Talwin? narcotic analgesic
Darvon propoxyphene
What class is Darvon=propoxyphene? narcotic analgesic
What class is Tylenol, Panadol = APAP non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic
What class is ASA? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + NSAID + anticoagulant
Anacin ASA
Bayer ASA
Ecotrin ASA
Empiren ASA
What is the class for Alka-seltzer, Bayer, Bufferin and Ascriptine? buffered ASA
What is the class for Empirin 3? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + NSAID + anticoagulant narcotic analgesic + antitussive
Empirin 3 ASA + codeine
Percodan or Roxiprin ASA + oxycodone
What class is Percodan, Roxiprin non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + NSAID + anticoagulant + narcotic analgesic
Darvocet APAP + propoxyphene
What class is Darvocet? Non-narcotic analgesic, antipyretic, narcotic analgesic
Roxilox or Tylox APAP + oxycodone
What class is Roxilox, Tylox ? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
Tylenol 3 APAP + codeine
What class is Tylonel 3? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic + antitussive
Vicodin APAP + hydrocodone
What class is Vicodine ? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic ,
What class is Ansaid? NSAID
What class is Indocin=indomethacin? NSAID
Indocin indomethacin
Naproxyn or Aleve naproxen
What class is Naproxyn or Aleve? NSAID
What class is Feldene? NSAID
What class is Clinoril? NSAID
What class is Celebrex? NSAID
What class is Advil,Mortin=ibprofen? NSAID + non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic
What class is Solarcaine? anesthetic
What class is Xylocaine=lidicaine anesthetic + antiarrhythmic
Xylocaine lidocaine
what class is Marcaine? anesthetic
What class is Novocain=procaine? anesthetic
What class is Pontocaine? anesthetic
What class is elomidate? induction anesthetic
What class is Pentothal? induction anesthetic
What class is Anectine=succinylcholine"succs"? neuro-muscular blocker
What class is atropine ? pre-operative med. designed to decrease airway secretion + treat servere bradycardia
What class is Keppra? antiseizure
What class is codine? narcortic analgesic
What class is Percocet? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
What class is Roxilox? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
What class is Roxicet? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
What class is Tylox? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
What class is Endocet? non-narcotic analgesic + antipyretic + narcotic analgesic
What class is Imitrex? drug used to treat migraines
What class is Tenormin=atenolol? drug used to treat migraines + antianginal + antihyprtensive
What class is Lopressor,Toprol = metoprolol? drug used to treat migraines + antianginal + antihypertensive
What class is Corgrad = nadolol? drug used to treat migraines + antiangial + antihypertensive
What class is Inderal = propranolol? drug used to treat migraines + antianginal + antiarrhythmic +antihypertensive
What class is Cardizem = diltiazem ? drug used to treat migraines + antiangial + antiarrhythmic + antihypertensive
What class is Calan = verapamil ? drug used to treat migrines + antiangial + antiarrhythmic + antihypertensive
Ergomar ergotamine
What class is Ergomar = ergotamine? drug used to treat migraines
What class is Treximet? drug used to treat migraines
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Created by: wgolon
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