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Noche de boca arriba


Estar boca arriba to be on one's back
el zaguán entrance hall
apurarse hurry up
guardar to keep
guardó su moto en el garaje He kept his motorcycle in the garage
gritar to yell
el grito de la mujer the woman's yell
chocar to crash
el choque the crash
le dolía una rodilla his knee hurt him
lo alentaban con bromas they encouraged him with jokes (by joking)
de una cortadura goteaba sangre blood was dripping from a cut
la mujer no tenía más que rasguños en la pierna the woman had nothing more than scratches on her leg
una camilla de ruedas gurney
lápida tombstone
las marismas marshes
escondieron they hid (themselves)
Se rebela contra todo She rebels against everything
el puñal dagger
agacharse to squat
se agachó para que no lo vieran he squatted down so that they didn't see him
oler a + noun to smell of
un yeso cast (on broken arm, leg, etc.)
hundirse to sink
sus pies se hundían en el barro his feet were sinking into the mud
calzada street
cazar to hunt
cazador hunter
le seguían el rastro they followed his sent/tracks (as when hunting an animal)
una pesadilla nightmare
las ciénagas swamps
beber del gollete to drink from the bottle
sintió un alivio he felt some relief
alzar to lift up, to raise
lo alzaban del suelo 'they lifted him up off the ground'
la almohada pillow
la almohada era tan blanda the pillow was so soft
enderezarse to straighten up
quiso enderezarse he managed to straighten himself up
atables drums
mazmorra dungeon
oyó gritar otra víctima he heard another victim yell
estaba inmóvil en la cama he was motionless in bed
una huelga worker's strike
el asesor advisor
las llantas tires
los galardones awards
el personaje character in a novel
el carácter character, personality
despiadado merciless
el subconsciente subconscious
una señal a sign, indication
tambalearse to stagger(person), to wobble(table)
pescuezo neck
se quedó callado he remained silent
soltar loosen, let go
sollozar to sob
un tejabán Small house
recostarse to lean back
el pretil railing
Created by: sam5611
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