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Final Spanish exam
Term | Definition |
Los deportes | the sports |
Jugar al fútbol | To play soccer |
El estadio | the stadium |
Oponer | to oppose |
el gol | the goal |
Bloquear | to block |
Lanzar el balón | to throw/ to kick the ball |
Perder | to lose |
el guante | the glove |
el corredor | the runner |
el palo | the stick |
el ganador | the winner |
el mar | the sea |
la ola | the wave |
La piscina | the pool |
Está lloviendo. | it is raining |
Hace mal tiempo | it is bad weather |
Hace sol | it is sunny |
Hace calor | it is hot |
El otoño | the fall |
Hace fresco | it is cool |
Hace frío | it is cold |
Hey heilo | There is ice |
El billete | the ticket |
Llegar a tiempo | to arrive on time |
El horario | the schedule |
La Pasajera | the passenger(Female) |
El tren sale | The train is leaving |
EL suéter | the sweater |
La camisa | the shirt |
La gorra | the cap |
El abrigo | the coat |
Blanco | white |
Azul | Blue |
Rojo | red |
Verde | Green |
La verdulería | the vegetable store |
El colmado | grocery store |
El helado | the ice cream |
La leche | the milk |
La carne | the meat |
El jamón | the ham |
El pollo | the chicken |
La sal | the salt |
El plátano | the banana |
La naranja | the orange |
La fresa | the strawberry |
Las Verduras | the vegetables |
La carne de cerdo | the pork |