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French Unite 1

Americain/Americaine American
un/une artiste Artist
un/une athlete Athlete
bilingue Bilingual
un chateur/une chanteuse Singer
un/une eleve Student
un musicien/une musicienne Musician
seriuex/seriuse Serious
sportif/sportive Athletic
Aller au cafe, cinema to go to a cafe/movie theater
danser to dance
dessiner to draw
Ecouter de la musique to listen to music
etudier to study
jouer au sport to play a sport
jouer de la musique to play music
lire to read
manger to eat
passer du temps avec de mis to spend time with friends
regarder une serie, un film to watch a show/film
surfer sur internet to surf the internet/web
Allemand German
Anglais English
Arabe Arabic
Chinois Chinese
Creole Creole
Espagnol Spanish
Langue des signes Sign Language
Neerlandais Dutch
Polonais Polish
Portugais Portuguese
Vietnamien Vietnamese
Travailler Work
Sportive Athletic
Serieuse Serious
Actrice Actor
Blogueuse Blogger
Creatrice de mode Fashion designer
Cycliste Cyclist
Exploratrice Explorer
Invenetrice Inventor
Photographe Photographer
Poete Poet
Scientifique Scientist
Active Active
Ambitieuse Ambitious
Canadienne Canadien
Courageuse Courageous
Generuse Generous
Quebecoise Quebec
Vegetarienne Vegetarian
je suis (I am)
nous sommes (we are)
vous ĂȘtes (you are)
ils/elles sont (they are)
il/elle/on est (She/he is)
tu es (you familiar/formal; are)
Created by: AbbeyMader
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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