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2.3 & 2.4
Term | Definition |
Topography | The size and shape of the land surface features of a region, including its relief. |
Topographic map | A map that shows the surface features of Earth. |
Contour line | A line that connects points of elevation on a map. |
Relief | A difference between the highest and lowest elevations in a given area; the variations in elevation of a land surface. |
Contour interval | The difference in elevation between one contour line and the next. |
Index contour | On a map, a darker, heavier contour line that is usually every fifth line and that indicates a change in elevation. |
Scale | The relationship between the actual measurements on a model, map, or diagram and the actual measurement or diatance. |
Slope | A measure of the slant of a line; the ratio of rise over run. |
Points, lines and symbols are used to represent symbols | Points, lines and symbols are used to represent features on topographic maps. Points mark locations. Lines shows rivers, trail, and borders. |
Remote sensing | The process of gathering and analyzing information about an object with out physically being in touch with the object. |
Global positioning system | A network of satellites that orbit Earth to measure position on Earth's surface. |
Geographic information system | An automated system for capturing, storing, retrieving, analyzing, manipulating, and displaying geographic data. |