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French 1002 Ch 10

appeler to call
composer le numero to dial the number
consulter l'annuaire to look up (a phone number) in the phone book
croire to believe
decrire to describe
dire to say
ecrire (a) to write (to)
envoyer (a) to send (to)
litre to read
mettre to put, to place; to put on (clothes)
mettre le couvert to set the table
poster to mail
recevoir to recieve
revoir to see again
telecharger to download
voir to see
l'appareil apparatus
le bureau de tabac tobacco store
le cadeau gift
le monnaie coins, change
l'appareil numerique (photo) digital camera
l' assistant numerique (le PDA) personal digital assistnat
le camescope digital camcorder
le clavier keyboard
la connexion ADSL DSL connection/ line
le courriel e-mail message
le fichier file
l'imprimante printer
le logiciel softsoftware (program)
le mel email message
le micro (micro-oridnateur) desktop computer
l' ordinateur de bureau desktop computer
l'ordinateur portable laptop computer
le telephone multimedia video/picture phone
le tratement de texte word processing
le boite aux lettres mailbox
le bureau de poste post office
le colis package
le courrier mail
le poste mail
le timbre stamp
le journal newspaper; news
le kiosque kiosk; newstand
les petities annonces classified ads
le roman novel
Allo Hello
Qui est a l'appareil Who's calling?
C'est moi it's me.
l'annuaire telephone directory
le boite vocale voice mail
le numero (de telephone) telephone number
le portable cell phone
le SMS text message
le telecarte phone card
le texto text message
la chaine television channel; network
l'emission porgram; broadcast
emission de musique music program
emission de tele realite reality show
le feuilleton soap opera
les informations news
le jeu televise game show
le journal televise television
le publicite commerical; advertisement; advertising
le retransmission sportive sports braodcast
la serie series
serie televisee serial drama
la telecommande remote control
la TNT high - definiton television
C'est - a - dire (que) that is/ I mean
Eh bien well
Euh Uhmm
la - bas over there
Oui, mais Yes, but
surtout especially
tout, toute, tous, toutes all; every
toutes les semaines every week
Voyons let's see
Created by: eabrad7181
Popular French sets




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