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Series 24

2 Supervision of General BD Activities - Net capital focused

OSJ onsite s24 req'd? y/n Yes
OSJ must have onsite copy of WSP for how many years from last use? 3 years; 2 years easily accessible
A Branch Office is defined as what? Is an onsite Series 24 needed? A place where 1 or more persons conducts securities business - can be retail storefront. No onsite Series 24 needed
the exemption from branch office registration applies provided the locations does less than X transaction / year or less then X days of securities activity / year? <25 transactions/year or <30 days of securities activity/ year.
OSJ Inspection how often? Annual
Supervisory Branch Inspection how often? Annual
Non-supervisory branch inspection how often? Non-branch office how often? 3 years; frequent as firm deems needed
Reporting of erroneous trades within how many mins? 30
New firms should expect inspection by SEC in how many months after starting biz? 6
CEO of BD must certify compliance processes and WSP how often? annually
If branch office relocates, notify FINRA within? 30 days
Are complaints preserved at a branch? no, at the OSJ
Annual firm compliance meeting attended by RR's or all registered persons? ALL registered personnel
Compliance report submitted to Board and Audit committee a by Earlier of next schedule mtg or in 45 days of CEO certification
Selling away (Private Transactions) by RR require what level of firm supervision if the RR is getting compensated Require firm supervision just like if transaction was executed my member firm !
Disciplined firm def? expelled from SRO membership or subject to SEC order revoking BD registration
RR Outside activities: selling real estate requires ? Prior notification before activity
RR Outside activities: working as bartender requires? simple notification
RR Outside activities: selling variable life insurance requires? notify + written permission
RR Outside activities: opening outside securities acct Prior written permission of principal (not just notification)
What triggers firm taping req. 20% of RR's are from firms disciplined in past 3 years
Taping Timeline 30 days to 'cure' by reducing / firing; 60 days taping must begin
Tapes must be easily accessible and retained for how long? 2 yrs accessible/ 3 yrs from keep from creation
Staff fired during 30 day curing period can't be hired for? 180 days
under code of procedure, how many days until disciplinary sanction comes into effect? 30 days
WSP's are maintained at ? Each OSJ
Old WSP's keep for how long? 3 years
firms must review supervisory systems/procedures + senior mgmt must receive a report on status of wsp's at least how often? annually
under code of arbitration, simplified arb. is available for disputes up to what $ 50k. More than 50K can be heard by 3 or more arbitrators with a majority of the arbitrators being nonsecurities personnel.
business continuity plan must be made available to which body? FINRA on request - not fully disclosed to SEC or to clients
Annual compliance mtg can be combined into other meeting/topics? yes
CCO - firm must designate - Can there be more than 1? Can they delegate authority? yes - Firms can have multiple CCOs over diff. specialized biz lines . The chief compliance officer (CCO) of the BD may not delegate their responsibility
CEO/CCO must meet how frequently every 12 months
When is final compliance report presented to Board and Audit Commitee? 45 days after CEO certification
a client can conduct securities and banking activities in same area of shared office? no - need physical separation
Comms and disclosures of BD must detail ? not FDIC insured; no bank guarantee; may lose value
Notification required for selling away & private securities transactions? (without compensation such as joining a nonprofit board) Notification required (for example if serving @ board member at non profit). When there's compensation, firm permission is required and firm must supervise
What activities cannot be gifted to clients ? Travel & Entertainment can't be gifted to clients - a rep must attend
Can you make charitable contribution to client causes? yes, but can't be reciprocity driven
Can reps make loans to clients generally? no
Can rep make Loans to or from family members? yes freely
Can rep Loan to or from banks (mortgage) yes freely
Loans based on friends or biz relationships? need permission
Loans to other RR's at same firm? need permission
What outside brokerage transactions don't req. permission or duplicate statements/confirms? Mutual funds, 529 plans, variable contracts
Sharing in Customer Account requires permission from cust; from firm. Sharing must by proportionate to contribution. Exception to proportionality is shared w/ immediate family
RR who is censured, pays $ 2500 and waivers right to appeal, has committed a: minor rule violation
Under code of procedure, which penalty is not stayed pending an appeal? bar or expulsion - these happen immediately
Can Finra punish a rep by jail or termination? no
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) must be designed to let firm meet CLIENT obligations if there's a disruption. What is excluded? employee payroll. BCP focuses on giving customers access to funds/securities; systems/ data backup; regulatory reporting/recordkeeping; alternative comms channels
BCP emergency contact BD's may designate 1 member of senior mgmt, who is a registered principal; and 1 member who unregistered (like a person offsite or disaster recovery firm)....or 2nd registered principal
BCP emergency contact if member has only one associated person? its ok - 2nd contact just needs to know the business/operations. could be accountant, lawyer
Customers receive a full copy of BCP? T/F false
Summary BCP to customers provided when? Acct opening, on request, on firms website. Not auto-sent annually. Finra gets full copy on request.
DPP: what is it? Direct Partic Program. Gives investor PASSIVE ownership of an underlying biz--> Shares of S-Corp, units of LLP; oil & gas leases, real estate programs, equipment leasing trusts. Higher-risk; illiquid; longer term. Principal's concern: SUITABILITY
DPP suitability requires investor can realize financial benefits offered w special emphasis on? Tax benefits
DPP customer must have a net worth sufficient to bear: Total loss
Firms can only offer DPPs (and unlisted REITs that will diclose per share estimated value - calculated in reasonable manner; and an valuation date and methodology used.
DPP disclosure goes on acct statements says what about return of capital, est. per value share, and liquidity? Distribution may include return of capital , which reduces estimated per value share; investments may be illiquid if sold, provider lower price than estimated
DPP require customer written consent? YES, written consent req'd - even for a discretionary acct controlled by registered rep
1035 exchange is a tax free exchange between like contracts. what is exclusion and why? annuities exchange to insurance is exclusion. Annuities are hybrid securities. You can't exchange annuity for life insurance as it might hurt the customer
Principal reviews 1035 exchange application suitability in how many days before sending to insurance co? 7 business days
Before letting cust open margin acct, they have to sign margin agreement which has what 3 components? Hypothecation agreement (you're pledging something as security), credit agreement, loan consent agreement
Margin disclosure. statement is delivered when? 2 occasions Delivered prior or at opening; describes basic facts/risks; delivered to all retail customers ANNUALLY
Initial margin (Reg T as set by Fed) for long and short is? 50%
Min. Margin Maintenance (set by FINRA)? Long maintenance is 25%; short maintenance is 30%
FINRA long market maintenance - computation? divide debt balance by .75. MV-Debit=Equity. you get margin call if long mkt value of securities falls below, loan size divided by .75
House minimum margin can be higher give example? e.g. long and short maintenance can be 35%. set by firm advance notice of change not req'd
What is DPP rollup? By combining the partnerships investors try for better returns and realize greater liquidity. DPP roll ups usually combine two or more direct participation programs into one large DPP.
Can BD's receive compensation contingent on successful rollup deal? NO. BD can only be involved in solicitation of votes/tenders if comp will be paid regardless of whether LP votes for or against deal
Public offers of DPPs/REITS must disclose what about value/valuation? annual per share estimated value of security, developed in reasonable manner. explanation of method and date of valuation
If BD is selling securities of affiliate into a discretionary acct, does it need permission prior to execution? yes
Can IPO's (new issues) be purchased on margin - how long must trade in secondary market? NO; they must trade in secondary market for at least 30 days. Mutual funds can't be purchased on margin;
LEAPS, long term options eligible for purchase on margin? yes; Reg T requirement is 75% of option premium
Hypothecation agreement basic definition ? Customer pledging securities as collateral for their margin loans
Rehypothecate ? Repledge collateral. BD's don't have much capital so they use banks and re-pledge cust securities. The amt of cust securities that can be pledged to bank is 140% of client's debit (loan) value
Can you lose more funds than you deposit in margin account? t/f True
you can choose which securities are liquidated to meet a margin call? false
Pattern day trader def? 4+ trades in 5 biz days
Pattern day trades must maintain min equity of ? $25K. For reference the FINRA initial margin req'd is only $2K
SIPC (securities investor protection corp) protects cust from what? protects customers if firm fails (bankruptcy / liquidation).
SIPC Covers how much total and in cash? $500K total, $250K cash. NO Coverage for mkt loss, issuer fraud etc. Each SEPARATE customer gets 500K total protection (joint accts aggregated into 1 customer acct if same beneficial owners)
SIPC: if person has a cash account and margin acct at same firm, how many separate customers is this for SIPC? One
BDs that are EXEMPT from SIPC membership include? Firms whose principal business is conducted outside the US; ' Broker-dealers exclusively selling open-end funds or variable annuities are not required to be SIPC members.
Insider Trading: Duty of Trust Def Trading on info that should be known to be confidential. Don't tell dad about pending merger!
Insider Trading: Penalties civil and criminal? Civil Penalty (3x profit made or treble damages) and / or Criminal ($5MM fine, 20 years prison)
Insider Trading: Rule 10b5-1. insiders must buy/sell securities on pre-arranged basis to avoid allegations of insider trading. what are some components? Plan must exist before possessing insider info; includes shares, prices, trade dates; insider cannot exert control. Must be passive/automatic.
Insider Trading: Rule 10b5-1. must be publicly dislosed? No pub disclosure
Broker-Dealer Introducing BD does what (some typical functions) new accts, kyc, makes recommendations that are suitable, accepts orders, resolves complaints; monitors accounts
Type of BD's: Clearing (carrying, full service) BD does what? Receives/delivers fund, securities; executes transactions; sends confirmations; custody/safekeeping (holds cust funds/securities); pays dividends, interest; sends statements; extends credit/margin
Carrying Agreement: what is it governs rel'shp between introducing and carrying BD
Carrying firm sends introducing firm CEO/CCO annual listing of exception reports by? where else does the report need to go? By July 1 of each year. This list must also be sent to FINRA.
Carrying agreement requires ok by what body what to be effective? FINRA approval
Can firm carry accoutns for non-FINRA membes or foreign BDs? yes
Net Capital: Prime brokers need a min. of how much net capital? $1.5MM (more than a block positioner/executing broker which is $1MM!!.
Penny Stock: initial margin? greater of the reg T 50% ...or...FINRA'S $2,000 requirement
SMA (special memoranda acct)? Created in connection w margin account if MV of securities INCREASES above initial cost. Each $1 increase creates 50% of SMA.
BD must receive permission from FINRA prior to implementing a portfolio margin program for customers? y/n yes. this is used to achieve higher leverage
Net Capital: a new firm has $2MM of net capital, what is the max AI (aggregate indebtedness). $16MM; new firms have 8:1 ratio of AI to Net Capital
Net Capital: Est'd firm has $45MM of AI; what is net capital ? $3MM. Est'd firms have max AI of 15:1
Pattern day trader has buying power of ? 4x maintenance margin excess
Pattern day traders must have how much min. equity on any day they trade? $25K. what is FINRA initial margin req'd? $2K!
BD's that revise margin acct credit policies must given how many days notice? 30 days
if BD fails, SIPC values customer acct claim how/when? Acct valued based on MV of securities as of court filing date
Net Capital: A firm that has only 120% of req'd net capital must report promptly (how long?) 24 hours to SEC
Net Capital: For qualified block positioner/executing broker? must have $1MM in net capital (not $1.5MM, which is prime brokerage!!)
Net Capital: firm's debt/equity ratio can't exceed how much for how long? 70% for 90 consecutive days. Alternatively equity can't go below 30%
Net Capital: Focus report details financial & operating perf. filed when, who signs? CEO, CFO, COO (not board). Filed monthly, quarterly
Net Capital: Early warning is what When BD net capital falls below 120% of required minimum, or ratio of AI to net cap is exceeds 12:1
Net Capital: what are ratios in same order corresponding with (a) Restrictions on expansion, (b) reduction of business, (c) early warning, (d) 'SEC Violation ratios? >10:1, >12:1, >12:1, >15:1
Net Capital Rule: what # of prop transactions in what time frame defines a securities dealer? What is net cap req. minimum? 10 proprietary transactions in a 12 month period. Firm will be subject to net capital requirement of $100,000
Fail to Deliver (FTD): a customer FTD position will be closed by BD in how many settlement days? 10 settlement days, or technically T+2 plus 10 settlement days
Focus Reports: along w working papers and memos must be retained for ? 3 years
Member firms must provide balance sheet to cust when? trial balances prepared how often and retained for how long? B/S goes to cust on request; no copy of income statement given. Trial balances prepared monthly - retain for 3 years
BD change of auditor - notify SEC within how many days? 15
BD funds transfer records - what is threshold above which you retain ? any transfer more than $3000
Blotters record transactions (purchases, sales, receipts, deliveries) but not? Blotter and G/L retain for? commissions. 6 years
Cust Acct records: retain for how long? 6 years from acct closing
Fidelity Bonds protect customers against loss from forgery, theft, embezzlement, misappropriation. Does not cover Errors and Omissions
Fidelity bond value when reset is based on B-D's net cap requirement over last last 12 months, not last calendar year
Fidelity bond coverage reviewed how often? If fidelity bond coverage is substantially modified, cancelled or terminated, FINRA must be advised when? annually; notify immediately
Fidelity bond: if net capital req is below $250K, req'd fidelity bond is the greater of 120% of net capital or 100K
Trust Indenture was credit to provide legal requirements for what? issuance / distribution of corporate debt, including convertible debt. DOES NOT APPLY TO EQUITY
Mutual Funds: must disclose total & after tax return over which years? 1,5,10 (if fund hasn't existed for 10, show longest period)
Mutual Funds: Max Sales Charge for Funds and UITs ? 8.5%
Mutual Funds: Breakpoint Discount are what - and apply to which class of shares? Breakpoint discounts are volume discounts to the front-end sales load charged to investors who purchase Class A mutual fund shares.
Mutual Funds: Share classes (A,B,C) Charge diff fees/expense for exposure to same underlying portfolio. These shares charge a front-end load at purchase; which can be reduced by Breakpoint discounts. Also charge 12b-1 fees less than Class B, C shares. Most suitable for LT large inv.
Mutual Funds: 12b-1 fees are calculated from Net Fund Assets
Mutual Funds: Letter of intent? A Letter of Intent (LOI), allows the investor to receive breakpoint discounts based upon a commitment to buy a specified number of shares over a period of time, usually 13 months. Non-binding and backdatable up to 90 days
Mutual Funds: what is 12b-1 fee? A 12b-1 fee is an annual marketing or distribution fee on a mutual fund.
Mutual Funds: To charge max 8.5% sakes charge a fund can't: Impose/charge 12b-1 fee, MUST offer breakpoints must offer breakpoints, rights of accumulation (investors can aggregate other open-end investments for lower charge) and Div reinvestment at NAV per share
Mutual Funds: Soft dollars are rebates mgrs receive from BDs in exchange for commission generating trades. What can soft dollars be used for? Research services, market data, brokerage services, like trade execution. CANNOT be used for physical items, mass publications (like newspaper), office equip, office space)
REIT: An entity that owns/operates income producing real estate. Qualified REIT's can deduct distributions (dividends) from taxable income. To qualify REIT must: 75/75/90. 75% income from RE, + 75% of assets in RE - Distribute 90% of taxable income to shareholders annually
Deferred Annuity: app requires review from principal (Y/N)?; by when must review occur? Y; app must be reviewed in 7 days of receiving
Finra Code of Arbitration resolves biz disputes between: Firm vs. Firm; Associated Person vs. Firm (except harassment/discrimination; Cust vs. Firm (but really doesn't apply since most all custs sign pre-dispute arbitration agreement
Finra Code of Arbitration: how paid, when, appealable? Less expensive, easier way to settle? Money only, payable in 30 days, not appealable; use mediation to more easily settle
Books & Records: 3 year some retail, institutional communications; cust trade confirmations, Form U4/U5, Fingerprint records
Books & Records: 4 year record, what is the only one? Customer complaints
Books & Records: 5 year record, what is the only one? Anti-money laundering (AML) records
Books & Records: 6 year records are most important to the firm. name some Ledger, blotter, securities record of positions; record of person at each who can explain records + principal overseeing compliance
Books & Records: All records must be easily accessible for? 2 years
Net Capital: Introducing (non-carrying) firms must maintain net capital of: $50,000 (firm receives client assets to pass to carrying firm) ...OR...$5,000 (firm never touches client assets)  note: these firms may not participate as a syndicate member in an underwriting.
Net Capital: carrying BD must have a minimum of: $250,000 in net capital; whether it uses the standard or alternative method of calculating required net capital.
Net Capital: A firm that has only 120% of its required net capital must promptly (within 24 hours) to SEC
Net Capital: Alternative Method for Net Capital Calculation Firms can elect to use an alternative net capital calculation: The greater of: $250K ....or 2% of the debits in the reserve . computation (early warning is at 5% of the reserve computation. Early warning is at 5% of aggregate debit items in same calc.
Subordinated Loans: approved loans are added to firms net capital. some typical terms 1 year min, for a specific amount, written/binding; can't push firm to exceed 70% of total capital for 90 days. Firms are limited to 3 temp sub loans in any 12 month period. Also, the max duration of each loan is 45 days
Net Capital: Amount for Clearing Firm? $250K - holds cust assets, receives cust funds. Public offerings? Can do all underwritings
Net Capital: Introducing BD (non-Clearing Firm)? $5K - Cannot accept cust funds/securities for forwarding to clearing firm. Underwritings? NO Firm commitments underwritings - best efforts only
Net Capital: smaller Introducing BD (non-Clearing Firm)? $50K - CAN accept cust funds/securities for PROMPT forwarding to clearing firm. Underwritings? Can be a selling group member in a FIRM COMMITMENT underwriting.
Net Capital-Early Warning is when net capital falls below what % or Aggregate indebtedness : Net Capital is below what ratio (12:1). You must notify when? net capital below 120% or 12:1; requires notice within 24 hours
Net Capital Violation: books and records not current requires notice when? immediate
Net Capital: Hard Dollar Amount of Carry Firm, aka Clearing Firm $250,000
Net Capital: Hard Dollar Amount of Prime Broker $1,500,000
Net Capital: Hard Dollar Amount of Executive Broker aka Block Positioner $1,000,000.
Net Capital: Hard Dollar Amount for Market Maker (floor) $100,000 and (ceiling) $1,000,000 $5 or less stock value, $1000/security. More than $5, $2500/security
The Trust Indenture Act of 1939 applies to corp bonds sold intrastate
Focus IIa report must be filed by introducing BD by 17th day after quarter end
Fidelity Bond: if net capital req is below $250K, req'd fidelity bond is the greater of ? 120% of net capital or 100K
Fidelity Bond: a firm has a net capital requirement of $350,000. Under FINRA rules, it must maintain a fidelity bond of NOT less than? A member must maintain min coverage of no less than 120% of its net capital req ($420K in this case). However, if the amount of min net capital exceeds $250K then peg to Fidelity Bond Coverage Table.
Can IPO's (new issues) be purchased on margin - how long must trade in secondary market? NO; they must trade in secondary market for at least 30 days. Mutual funds can't be purchase on margin;
Penny Stock Initial Margin? greater of the reg T 50% ...or...FINRA'S $2,000 requirement
Net Capital: For Prop Trading Firm:, what # of prop transactions in what time frame defines a securities dealer? What is net cap req. minimum? " 10 proprietary transactions/ 12 month period. Firm will be subject to net capital requirement of $100,000
Insider Trading: Penalties civil and criminal. Civil Penalty (3x profit made or treble damages) and / or Criminal ($5MM find, 20 years prison)
Net Capital: Introducing firms (5 or 50K net cap) can occasionally make prop trades. (also called a securities dealer) if they do X per month then what does that do to net cap 100K
Net Capital: member offering mutual fund shares, UITs or variable annuities?. firms that accept wire, minimum is $25K - or only $5K if subscription only
Clearing firm must count securities how often? Quarterly
Net Capital: an executing broker in prime brokerage relationship must maintain min. net cap of? $1MM
A firm that has only 120% of net cap must provide? prompt notice to SEC (24 hours)
If a BD has is req'd to have $250K of net capital, it must notify SEC when? At $300K, which is 120% of $250K. Notice in 24 hours
Under the alternative net capital computation, early warning req'd if? Net capital below 5% of debits in reserve computation
Net Capital: Securities dealer is defined as doing 10 prop trades in 12 months.... is subject to min. net capital of? $100K
Focus Reports: signed by? CEO , CFO
Focus Reports for B-D's registered with the SEC must file audited financial statements (an audited FOCUS II or IIA) within? 60 days of the fiscal year-end
Blotters detail daily securities transaction but exclude? commissions
Under Sarbanes Oxley, annual compliance certification signed by CEO, CFO
Created by: drossow
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