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SAT Vocabulary

definitions and vocabulary

abate to become less intense or widespread
abstract existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
abysmal very bad
accordingly to be in accordance with
acquisition the process of gaining possession of something
adapt to make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify
adept having skill in a particular area
adequate satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity
advent the arrival of a notable person or thing
adversarial involving or characterized by conflict or opposition
advocate a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy
aesthetic concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
afford have enough money to pay for
agitate campaign to arouse public concern about an issue in the hope of prompting action
allow let (someone) have or do something
allude suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at
altercation noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public
ambiguous open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning
ambitious having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
ambivalence the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
analogous comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared
Annihilate destroy utterly; obliterate
Anomaly something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected
Anticipate regard as probable; expect or predict
Antipathy a deep-seated feeling of aversion
Apex the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point
Apprehension anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
Articulate having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently
Artificial made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural
Assertion a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
Austere severe or strict in manner or attitude
Authenticity the quality of being authentic
Avenue a way of approaching a problem
Avid having an eager desire for
Basic forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental
Bear carry or conduct oneself in a specified manner
Benevolent well-meaning and kindly
Bias inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair
Bittersweet arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain
Bolster support or strengthen
Boost encourage (something) to increase or improve
Brawl a rough or noisy fight or quarrel
Brevity the concise and exact use of words in writing or speech
Candid truthful and straightforward; frank
Candor the characteristic of being honest
Capitalize to take advantage of
Capture to take possession of
Civic relating to citizens or a city
Clinical emotionally attached
Clout special power or advantage
Coarse lacking sophistication or refinement
Coincide to occur simultaneously
Commission an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group.
Comparable ability to be compared
Competent efficient and qualified
Complacent satisfied; no desire to improve
Complement to make complete or perfect
Concede surrender or yield
Conceive to come up with
Condone to allow or overlook
Conducive to be suitable to bring something about
Conduct to manage or control; to behave in a particular way
Confide to trust someone with secrets
Confine to limit something
Consensus a majority agreement
Constitute to make up parts of something
Contemplate think deeply and at length
Contend to assert or maintain an opinion
Contradict to be in contrast with
Controversial giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.
Conventional following accepted standards
Convey to transfer information
Conviction believing firmly in something
Corroborate to provide evidence for a claim
Counteract to work against
Counterargument an argument used to diminish another
Counterproductive having the opposite of the desired effect.
Culmination the climax
Cultivate to foster
Decree to declare something formally
Deference regard; respect
Deficient not a sufficient amount
Demonstrate to provide evidence for something
Demur raise objections or show reluctance.
Deplete to use something over time
Desolate empty, barren
Devise to develop a plan
Dilemma a problem
Diligence careful and persistent work or effort.
Diminish make or become less
Dire extremely serious or urgent
Discord disagreement
Disdain strong dislike
Dismay stress, hopelessness
Disparage to talk down to
Dispatch to send a messenger or message
Diversification the process of becoming diverse
Doctrine a position or theory
Dominion authority and power
Dreary dull, sad
Dubious questionable, doubtful
Eccentric odd or peculiar
Egregious very bad
Eloquent fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
Eminent distinguished or superior
Emit to release, discharge
Emphatic using emphasis, expressive
Empirical based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
Endow to bestow or equip
Endure to sustain or withstand against
Entail to include or involve
Entrenched firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
Enumerate to count
Envy jealousy to an excessive degree
Erratic not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
Establish to enact or to found
Evoke bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind.
Exacerbate to make something worse
Excel to be successful at something
Exert to put something into use
Exhilarating exciting, stimulating
Expend to use up
Exploit make full use of and derive benefit from
Facilitate to make a process easier
Feasibility the possibility of something
Ferocity violence, viciousness
Fiscal of or relating to money
Flourish to grow, prosper (esp quickly)
Fluctuate to rise and fall in an irregular pattern
Foment to stir up or instigate
Foreseeable capable of being anticipated
Frankly clearly, directly
Freewheeling carefree
Fundamental the most basic component
Galvanizing stimulating, exciting
Geriatric relating to old people, especially with regard to their healthcare.
Hostile dangerous, harmful
Hypothetical supposed
Ignominious. deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Impart to bestow or transmit
Impartiality treating all rivals equally
Imposing impressive in size or appearance
Imposition an unwelcome and unfair burden
Imprudent rash, not cautious
Incite to stir up or excite
Indifference emotional detachment
Indiscriminately randomly
Indulge to give into something
Infer to guess through reasoning
Innovative new or novel
Insatiable unable to be satisfied
Inversion the reversal of something
Invoke to appeal to or call upon
Irreconcilable incapable of being resolved
Lament to mourn
Locomotion movement
Lucrative profitable
Malicious spiteful, harmful
Malleable capable of being changed
Materialistic superficial
Melodramatic exaggerated or extravagant
Modest humble and simple
Modify to alter, tweak, or change
Momentous significant in a historical context
Novel innovative, new
Nuance a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
Null ineffective, legally void
Objectivity the quality of being objective; impartial
Obsolete uncommon or rare
Omnipotent all-powerful
Onset the early stages of something
Opine to formally state an opinion
Ornate highly decorated
Oust to force out of
Paramount most important, superior
Peculiar bizarre, strange
Perish to pass away; to die
Persecute harass or annoy persistently.
Petulant irritable, pouty
Pinnacle highest degree
Pitiable arousing pity
Plausible possibly true
Postulate to assert
Potent having a strong influence
Pragmatic useful, practical
Precedent an example from the previous time
Predecessor a person or thing that comes before another
Prescribe to command orders
Principle n. basic truth, assumption, or rule
Prohibit to ban
Prompt punctual
Promulgate formally declare
Prosecute to put on trial
Provocative arouse, inspire
Qualitative measuring the quality of something
Quantitative measuring the amount of something
Quirk a strange trait or characteristic
Ramify to form branches
Rash done without regard to consequences
Raw unrefined
Readily without delay
Reconsideration thinking again
Reform an improvement
Refute to prove to be incorrect
Reinforce to support
Reluctantly somewhat unwillingly
Renounce to give up
Reproach to critique
Repudiate to refuse to acknowledge as true
Retention the continued control or possession of something
Satiated satisfied
Savvy practical knowledge
Scandalous morally offensive
Scorn a feeling of disdain
Scrupulous careful, thorough
Scrutinize to examine critically
Secrete to release or produce
Sentiment opinion
Sheer very thin
Simple not complex
Sinister evil, ominous
Solidarity common purpose amongst a group
Sparingly in a restricted manner
Spawn to generate
Spur to incite
Squalid sordid, run-down
Stark very plain
Static changeless; motionless
Subordinate to be lower in rank
Subsequently happening after something
Substantial very large in degree or amount
Substantiate to make stronger with evidence
Subtle difficult to detect
Sufficient enough
Surly unfriendly
Surmount to overcome
Susceptible to be vulnerable
Tactful capable of dealing with people
Taut pulled tight
Teeming to be full of
Temperament usual feelings or mood
Tentative not certain or fixed
Transparent easy to perceive; see-through
Treacherous unstable and dangerous
Tremendous very great in amount, scale, or intensity
Ubiquitous found everywhere
Unadorned plain, undecorated
Undermine to weaken gradually
Underscore to emphasize
Undulate to move in a wavy pattern
Unilateral one-sided
Unjust not justified
Unmitigated total, utter
Unprecedented entirely new
Unveil to reveal
Urge try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something
Validate check or prove the validity or accuracy of
Viability ability to work successfully
Vital absolutely necessary; essential
Vow a solemn promise
Warrant justification or authority for an action, belief, or feeling
Yield produce or generate (a result, gain, or financial return).
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