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Srta Lynch Novel
Relato de un naúfrago Chapter 1 vocab
Spanish | English |
La nave | the ship |
La balsa | the raft |
El naúfrago | the shipwrecked person |
El destructor | the destroyer |
El buque | the ship |
La tripulación | the crew |
Una tempestad | a storm |
Marinero | sailor |
Zarpar | to set sail |
arriesgada | risky |
expresaba | expressed |
agotado | exhausted |
el regreso | the return |
una estufa | a stove |
nevera | a fridge |
lavadora | washing machine |
maquinistas | engineers |
ejército | army |
literas | bunk beds |
amanecer | sunrise |
marearse | to get dizzy |
tiburón | shark |
los anteojos | binoculars |