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to go from bad to worse
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to burry
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Pobreza Y Derechos

to go from bad to worse ir de mal peor
to burry enterrar (i-ie)
to bask in the sun asolearse
bunch el manojo
to move closer or bring closer arrimar
dawn la cebada
to demolish or destroy la madrugada
la orilla bank,shore
splashing, lapping el chapaleo
jet,spurt of liquid el chorro
precipice, ravien la barranca
daily diairo
to happen, to pass suceder
to get scared asustarse
to roar, howl, groan bramar
to border rodar o-ue
to notice fijarse
to protect, give shelter to amparar
stubborn retobado
to grumble, moal rezongar
to grow up crecer
to throw one's self to the ground revolcarse
to run, to run off correr
calf de una vaca el becerro
to occur to one's self to do something ocurrirsele
to put forward alegar
to drag one's self arrastrarse
to swell hincharse
pillow almohada
shiver el escalofrio
shudder el estremecimiento
furtive furtivo
fall-like otonal ~ on n
deep, profound hondo
tenderness la ternura
strange extrano ~on n
niche, nest el nido
sob sollozo
faint el desmayo
fear el espanto
useful util accent on the u
weighted down desplomado
first light, twilight, dusk el crepusculo accent on the u
hole el hueco
bite la picadura
highway la carretera
unearth, unburry desenterrar (e-ie)
greedy rapaz
bird of prey ave de rapaz
to pound machar
to sprinkle rociar
inequality desigualdad
ubiquitous all-encompasing ubicuo
poverty la pobreza
investment el pendulo accent on e
mercantilism el mercantilismo
food alimento
healthy sano
safe and sound sano y salvo
microfiancela microfinaza
health insurance el seguro medicio
free not costing money gratis/ gratuito
the elite minority la elite minoritaria
home el hogar
to emphasize destacar
to exclude excluir
report el informe
rate la tasa
money for doing something remuneration la remuneracion
segmentation la segmentation
to increase profundizar
to make profound profundir
to agree to grant, to enter something aceder
bridge el puente
capital el capital
ideology where males are praised for masculinity el machismo
Created by: smcurrey528
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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