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Pobreza Y Derechos
Question | Answer |
to go from bad to worse | ir de mal peor |
to burry | enterrar (i-ie) |
to bask in the sun | asolearse |
bunch | el manojo |
to move closer or bring closer | arrimar |
dawn | la cebada |
to demolish or destroy | la madrugada |
la orilla | bank,shore |
splashing, lapping | el chapaleo |
jet,spurt of liquid | el chorro |
precipice, ravien | la barranca |
daily | diairo |
to happen, to pass | suceder |
to get scared | asustarse |
to roar, howl, groan | bramar |
to border | rodar o-ue |
to notice | fijarse |
to protect, give shelter to | amparar |
stubborn | retobado |
to grumble, moal | rezongar |
to grow up | crecer |
to throw one's self to the ground | revolcarse |
to run, to run off | correr |
calf de una vaca | el becerro |
to occur to one's self to do something | ocurrirsele |
to put forward | alegar |
to drag one's self | arrastrarse |
to swell | hincharse |
pillow | almohada |
shiver | el escalofrio |
shudder | el estremecimiento |
furtive | furtivo |
fall-like | otonal ~ on n |
deep, profound | hondo |
tenderness | la ternura |
strange | extrano ~on n |
niche, nest | el nido |
sob | sollozo |
faint | el desmayo |
fear | el espanto |
useful | util accent on the u |
weighted down | desplomado |
first light, twilight, dusk | el crepusculo accent on the u |
hole | el hueco |
bite | la picadura |
highway | la carretera |
unearth, unburry | desenterrar (e-ie) |
greedy | rapaz |
bird of prey | ave de rapaz |
to pound | machar |
to sprinkle | rociar |
inequality | desigualdad |
ubiquitous all-encompasing | ubicuo |
poverty | la pobreza |
investment | el pendulo accent on e |
mercantilism | el mercantilismo |
food | alimento |
healthy | sano |
safe and sound | sano y salvo |
microfiancela | microfinaza |
health insurance | el seguro medicio |
free not costing money | gratis/ gratuito |
the elite minority | la elite minoritaria |
home | el hogar |
to emphasize | destacar |
to exclude | excluir |
report | el informe |
rate | la tasa |
money for doing something remuneration | la remuneracion |
segmentation | la segmentation |
to increase | profundizar |
to make profound | profundir |
to agree to grant, to enter something | aceder |
bridge | el puente |
capital | el capital |
ideology where males are praised for masculinity | el machismo |