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Vocabulary 8 A and B

La maison/ Les taches menageres

demanger tomove out
emmenager to move in
louer to rent
un appartement apartment
une cave basement, cellar
une cuisine kitchen
un escalier staircase
un immeuble building
un jardin garden; yard
un logement housing
un loyer rent
une piece room
un quartier area, neighborhood
une residence residence
une salle a manger dining room
un salon formal living/.sitting room
un studio studio (apartment)
une armoire armoire, wardrobe
une douche shower
un lavabo bathroom sink
un meuble piece of furniture
un placard closet, cupboard
un tiroir drawer
les toilettes (f.) W.C.) (m.) the toilet
la salle de bains bath room
le couloir color
la baignoire the bath tub
le tapis rug
le miroir mirror
une fleur a flower
le sous-sol basement
la salle de sejour living room
le canape couch
le fauteuil arm chair
le balcon balcony
le garage garage
la lampe lamp
les affiches (f.) posters paintings?
les etageres (f.) shelves
le mur wall
la commode dresser
les rideaux (m.) curtains
debarrasser la table to clear the table
enlever/faire la poussiere to dust
essuyer la vaisselle/la table to dry the dishes/to wipe the table
faire la lessive to do laundry
faire le menage to do the housework
laver to wash
mettre la table to set the table
passer l'aspirateur to vacuum
ranger to tidy up; to put away
salir to soil, to make dirty
sortir la/les poubelle(s) to take out the trash
propre clean
sale dirty
un appareil electrique/menager electrical/household
menager applicance
une cafetiere coffeemaker
une grille-pain toaster
un lave-linge washing machine
un lave-vaisselle dishwasher
un seche-linge clothes dryer
une tache menagere household chore
un evier sink
un congelateur freezer
un four a micro-ondes microwave oven
Elle fait le lit She makes the bed
Il fait la vaisselle He is doing the dishes
une cuisiniere a cooker Pot?
un frigo fridge
un balai a brush Broom?
le linge laundry
Elle balaie. (balayer) She sweeps
les draps (m.) sheets
une couverture coverage a cover? a bedspread?
un oreiller pillow
un evier sink
Il sort la poubelle. He takes out the trash
un fer a repasser iron
il repasse. (repasser) He irons
Adverbs - describe how, when, and where actions take place. They modify verbs and adjectives.
absolument absolutely
Adverbs that are masculine singular and already end in a vowel, don't use the feminine form just add "ment" (m.) (s) absolu = absolument
What is a consonant? all other letters except vowels B, C, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, S, T, V, X, Z and often H, R, W, Y.
To form an adverb from an adjective that ends in a consonant, take the feminine singular forma nd add "ment" This is the equivalent to "ly" in English. active = activement franche = franchement
to form an adverb from an adjective that ends in a consonant, take the feminine singular form and add "ment" This is like "ly" in English. ex active = activement
To form an ADVERB from an adjective that ends in "ant" or "ent" replace the ending with "amment" or "emment."
constant form an adverb constanamment = constantly
activement actively actif (m.) (s) acitve (f.) (s.) becomes activement
actif (m.) (s.) as an adverb active (f.) (s.) active becomes activement = actively
franc (m.) (s.) as an adverb franche (f.) (s.) = francement = frankly, honestly
heureux (m.) (s.) as an adverb heuresuse (f.) (s.) heuresuement = fortunately
malheureux (m.) (s.) as an adverb malheureuse (f.) (s.) malheuresement = unfortunately
Elle parle nerveusement. She speaks nervously.
Malheureusement, il ne va pas etra la. Unfortunately, he is not going to be there.
Il n'est pas passe dernierement. He hasn't passed by lately.
Les etudiants travaillent serieusement. The students work seriously.
Adverbs If the masculine singular form of an adjective already ends in a vowel, Don't use the feminine form. Just add "ment" to the masculine form. absolu - absolument = absolutely vrai - vraiment = really
Martin respond poliment. Martin responds politely.
J'ai vraiment sommeil aujourd'hui. I'm already sleepy today.
Ils louent facilement l'appartement. They rent the apartment easily.
Le musee est absolument magnificent. The museum is absolutely magnificent.
To form an adverb from an adjective that ends in "ant" or "ent" in the masculine singular, replace the ending with "amment" or "emment" They are both pronounced identically.
adverb constant becomes constamment + constantly
Adverb courant becomes coramment = fluently
Adverb different becomes differemmemt = differently
Adverb evident becomes evidemment = obviously
Les eleves lisent patiemment. The pupils are reading patiently.
Elle parle couramment francais. She speaks French fluently.
Je prefere travailler independamment. I prefer to work independently.
Vous pensez differemment. You think differently.
The adverb to "lent" is different and becomes lentement (slowly)
Mon grand-pere marche un peu lentement. My grandfather walks a abit slowly.
Parlez lentement, s'il vous plait. Speak slowly, please.
bon bien means well and is an irregular adverb
gentil gentiment means nicely and is an irregular adverb
mauvais mais means badly and is an irregular adverb
petit peu means little and is an irregular adverb
de temps en temps from time to time
en general in general
quelquefois sometimes
autrefois in the past
d'habitude usually
parfois sometimes
soudain suddenly
souvent often
toujours always
tous les jours everyday
tout d'un coup all of a sudden
un fois once deux fois twice etc.
connaitre to know, to be familiar with je connais nous connaissons tu connais vous connaissez il/elle/on connait ils/elles connaissent
Imparfait actions that took place repeatedly or habitually during an unspecified period of time. and is used with etre which is irregular in tense. "ais," "ait," and "aient" are pronounced identically. Just remember that Je and tu forms never end in a "t"
Imparfait of etre Use the nous form of the present tense to conjugate. j'etais I was (had?) nous etions we were tu etais you were vous etiez il/elle/ on etait ils/elles etaient
Parler Imperfect To speak use the nous form of the present tense to conjugate je parlais tu parlais il/elle/on parlait nous parlions vous parliez ils/elles parlaient
finir Imperfect use the nous form of the present tense to conjugate je finissais tu finissais il/elle/on finissait nous finissions vous finissiez ils/elles finissaient
vendre Imperfect sale use the nous form of the present tense to conjugate je vendais tu vendais il/elle/on vendait nous vendions vous vendiez ils/elles vendaient
boire Imperfect To drink. use the nous form of the present tense to conjugate je buvais tu buvais il/elle/on buviat nous buvions vous buviez ils/elles buvalent
Imperfect verbs ending in "ger" add an "e" before all endings except in the nous and vous forms. tu demenageais but nous demeagions
Imperfect verbs ending in "cer" Change the "c" to a citadel which is the mark below the "c" for all endings except in the nous and vous forms les invites commenc,aient but not in vous commenciez
savoir To know je sais nous savons tu sais vous savez il/elle/on sait ils/elles savent
Created by: VlnGuitarGirl
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