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Mrs Nevey Mock Vocab

Vocab for Mock Exam

Verstehen to understand
verbessern to make better / improve
verbringen (verbracht) to spend time (spent)
Verkehr traffic
verletzt injured
vergessen to forget
verloren to lose
verboten forbidden
verschmutzen/verpesten to pollute
versuchen to try
verrueckt mad/crazy
Arbeitstelle job
Ausbildung Training/education
Werkstatt Work shop
fleissig hard working
anstrengend tiring
Ausland Abroad
Nebenjob extra job
Teilzeit part time
Aussehen Appearance
Schild sign
Schirm Screen
Lohn wage
Gehalt Salary
Apotheker Chemist
Arzt Doctor
Lehrer/Lehrerin Teacher
Mechaniker Mechanic
Erfahrung Experience
Lebenskosten Cost of living
Ich studiere I study
Ich lerne gern/nicht gern I like/don't like to learn
Lieblingsfach favourite subject
Geschichte History
Erdkunde Geography
Deutsch German
Werken Technology
Informatik ICT
Turnen / Sport Games / PE
Kunst Art
Mathe Maths
Fremdsprachen Foreign Languages
(Natur) Wissenschaften (Natural) Sciences
Zeugnis Report
Noten Grades
Gemischte Gesamtschule Mixed Comprehensive School
streng strict
schwer difficult
einfach easy
Unterricht Teaching / instruction
Stunde lesson
aufpassen to pay attention to
Pruefung Test/exam
Kirschen cherries
Erdbeeren Strawberries
Himbeeren Raspberries
Ananas pineapple
Erbsen peas
Kohl Cabbage
Kartoffeln potatoes
Schinken ham
Haehnchen chicken
Pilze Mushrooms
Wurst sausage
Brot bread
Broetchen bread rolls
sauer sour
suss sweet
Geschmack taste
Flasche bottle
Beutel purse
Lebensmittel groceries
billig / guenstig cheap
teuer expensive
zerstoeren to destroy
Einwander immigrant
lebhaft lively
Vermietung rental
Fuehrerschein driving license
atmen to breathe
Urlaub holiday
Ferien holiday
Created by: DNevey
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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