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chapter 3 vocab
Term | Definition |
el apellido | last name |
el/la bisabuelo/a | great grandfather/mother |
el/la cuñado/a | brother/sister in law |
el/la gamelo/a | twin |
el/la hermanastro/a | stepbrother/sister |
el/la hijastro/a | stepson/daughter |
la madrasta | step mother |
el/la medio/a hermano/a | half brother/sister |
el/la nieto/a | grandson/grandaughter |
la nuera | daughter in law |
el yerno | son in law |
el padastro | step father |
los parientes | relatives |
el/la sobrino/a | nephew/niece |
el/la suegro | father/mother in law |
antipático/a | unpleasant |
delgado/a | thin |
feo/a | ugly |
moreno/a | brunette |
pelirrojo/a | red-haired |
tonto/a | foolish |
alemán, alemana | German |
argentino/a | Argentine |
canadiense | Canadian |
chino/a | Chinese |
costarricense | Costa Rican |
cubano/a | Cuban |
ecuatoriano/a | Ecuadorian |
estadounidense | from the US |
francés, francesa | French |
japonés, joponesa | Japanese |
norteamericano/a | North American |
puertorriqueño/a | Puerto Rican |
ruso/a | Russian |
abrir | to open |
aprender (a + inf) | to learn |
asistir | to attend |
beber | to drink |
comer | to eat |
compartir | to share |
comprender | to understand |
correr | to run |
creer (en) | to believe |
deber (+ inf) | should |
decidir (+ inf) | to decide |
describir | to describe |
escribir | to write |
leer | to read |
recibir | to receive |
tener | to have |
venir | to come |
vivir | to live |