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Pharmaphlash GI

Kalcinate Calcium Gluconate Electrolyte imbalance
K-Dur, K-Lor, Klor-Con, Micro-K Extencaps, Slow K Potassium Chloride Hypokalemia, Hypopotassemia
Baking Soda, Soda Mint Sodium Bicarbonate Antacid, metabolic acidosis
0.9% NaCl Solution (Isotonic), 5% Dextrose in Water (Isotonic), 0.45% NaCl Solution (Hypotonic) Sodium Chloride and Dextrose Hydration fluids IV
Lactated Ringer's NaCl (sodium chloride), NaC3H5O3 (sodium lactate), CaCl2 (calcium chloride), and KCl (potassium chloride) Hydration fluids IV
NS Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl) Hydration fluids IV
Kayexalate Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Hyperkalemia
Pepcid famotidine Ulcers and GERD
Zantac ranitidine Ulcers and GERD
Tagamet cimetidine Ulcers and GERD
Axid nizatidine Ulcers and GERD
Nexium esomeprazole Ulcers and GERD
Protonix, Protonix IV pantoprazole Ulcers and GERD
Prilosec omeprazole Ulcers and GERD
Prevacid lansoprazole Ulcers and GERD
Cytotec misoprostol Prevention of gastric mucosal injury from NSAIDS
Carafate sucralfate Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
Prevpac lansoprazole/amoxicillin/clarithromycin Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) due to H.Pylori
Helidac bismuth subsalicylate, metronidazole, tetracycline Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) due to H.Pylori
Pepto-Bismol bismuth subsalicylate antacid, anti-diarrheal
Kaopectate attapulgite antacid, anti-diarrheal
Atro-pen atropine bowel and bladder anti-spasmodic
Anaspaz, Levsin hyoscyamine bowel and bladder anti-spasmodic
Lomotil diphenoxylate, atropine Anti-diarrheal
Imodium loperamide Anti-diarrheal
Codeine codeine Anti-diarrheal
Lotronex alosetron IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) w/diarrhea
Metamucil, Karacil psyllium Bulk laxative
Citrucel methylcellulose Bulk Laxative
GoLYTELY, NuLYTELY, MIRALAX, Klean-prep Polyethylene glycol/Electrolyte Bowel evacuant for GI prep
HalfLYTELY sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride with Bisacodyl slow-release tablets Bowel evacuant for GI prep
Gas-X, Mylicon, Phazyme simethicone Anti-gas
Ex-Lax, Fletcher's Castoria, Senokot Sennoside (from Senna leaves) Mild stimulating laxative
Dulcolax bisacodyl Mild stimulating laxative
Peri-colace Casanthranol and docusate sodium Mild stimulating laxative with stool softener
Cephulac, Kristalose, Chronulac lactulose laxative
Surfak, DC softgels docusate calcium stool softener for hypertensive patients
Colace docusate sodium stool softener
Mag-Ox 400 magnesium oxide laxative or hypomagnesemia (dialysis)
Magnesium Sulfate IV magnesium sulfate ER treatment of hypomagnesemia
Phillips Milk of Magnesia, MOM, Dulcolax Magnesia Tablets magnesium hydroxide Antacid or mild (saline) laxative
Isopto-Hyoscine, Transderm-Scop, scopolamine N/V (nausea and vomiting) associated with motion sickness
Antivert, Bonine, Dramamine II meclizine vertigo, N/V (nausea and vomiting)
Compazine prochlorperazine N/V (nausea and vomiting)
Reglan metoclopramide GERD and nausea due to chemotherapy
Zofran odansetron N/V due to chemotherapy or radiation
Kytril granisetron N/V due to chemotherapy or radiation
THC, Marinol dronabinol N/V due to chemotherapy unresponsive to other therapy
Cesamet nabilone N/V due to chemotherapy unresponsive to other therapy
Os-Cal, Tums, Tums E-X Calcium Carbonate Antacid for gastritis
Created by: johnlzortman
Popular Pharmacology sets




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