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Blood systems
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Lymphatic systems
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Chapter 8 Flashcards

Blood and Lymphatic System

Blood systems transport O2, nutrients and hormones; carries wastes and CO2 from the cells
Lymphatic systems protects the body by clearing foreign bodies; supports immune response; maintains internal fluid environment and carries fat away from digestive organs
blast/o germ or bug
chrom/o & chromat/o color
chyl/o juice
morph/o form
myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
reticul/o a net
plasma liquid portion of blood and nymph; has water, proteins and cellular components
serum what remain after clotting
granulocytes a group of leukocytes that have granules in their cytoplasm; neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils
neutrophils/ polymorphonuclear leukocyte granular; fight infection by swallowing bacteria
basophil named for dark stain on granules; brings anticoagulant substances to inflamed tissues; elevates allergic reactions
eosinophils rose colored granules; fight substances related to parasitic infection that have been flagged for destruction by your immune system. Regulating inflammation
monocyte agranulocyte; performs phagocytosis
lymphocyte active in the process of immunity; B cells, T cells and natural killer cells
thymus primary gland of the lymphatic system; superior to the heart; produces T lymphocytes
spleen filters out aging blood cells, cell debris and provides an environment for immune activation
lacteals specialized vessels in the small intestine that absorbs fat into the bloodtsream
chyle white or pale yellow substance in lymph that contains fatty substances absorbed by the lacteals
lymph ducts carries lymph from lymph nodes to veins; right lymphatic and thoracic
active immunity long-lasting immunity that results from stimulating the body to produce its own antibodies; naturally vs. artificially
passive immunity short term immunity; naturally placenta to fetus or artificially by injecting serum containing antibodies
microcytosis presence of small red blood cells
macrocytosis big red blood cells
anisocytosis presence of red blood cells of unequal size
poikilocytosis presence of large, irregularly shaped RBCs
reticulocytosis immature erythrocytes in the blood
erythropenia reduced number of RBCs
lymphcytopenia reduced number of lymphocytes
neutropenia decreased number of neutrophils
pancytopenia reduced number of cellular components in the blood
thrombocytopenia decreased number of platelets in the blood
lymphadenopathy enlarged (disease) lymph nodes
splenomegaly big spleen
AIDS caused by HIV; renders immune cells ineffective
anemia diminished ability to carry oxygen
aplastic anemia failure of bone marrow to produce RBCs
iron deficiency anemia lack of iron in blood; affects production of hemoglobin
pernicious anemia inadequate supply of B12, causing RBCs become large, varied in shape and reduced in number
erythroblastosis fetalis a disorder that results from the incompatibility of a fetus with Rh-positive blood and a mother with Rh-negative blood, causing RBC destruction in the fetus. Requires blood transfusion
Rh factor antigen on surface of RBCs; derived from Rhesus monkey
hemochromatosis excessive build up of iron deposits in the body
leukemia cancerous disease of blood forming organs, abnormal leukocytes in blood and bone marrow
myelodysplasia disorder w/i bone marrow characterized by proliferation of abnormal stem cells
lymphoma neoplastic disorder of lymph tissue; usually malignant
polycythemia increased number of RBCs and Hgb
phlebotomy/venomtomy incision into or puncture of a vein to withdraw blood for testing
BMP tests for Ca, CO2, Cl, creatinine, glucose, K+, Na+, and blood urea nitrogen
CMP in addition to BMP, tests for albumin, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, protein, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase
CD4 cell count used to monitor course of HIV; normal range is 600-1500 in a given volume of blood
partial thromboplastin time test to determine coagulation defects
prothrombin time test to measure activity of prothrombin in the blood
hematocrit percentage of packed RBCs in a given volume of blood
Created by: victoriaxelaine
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