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1st 28 words of Part 1 (Reflexives, Bathroom and Bedroom) for Quiz 1
Question | Answer |
la rutina diaria | daily routine |
acordarse (de) (o:ue) | to remember |
acostarse (o:ue) | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
bañarse | to take a bath |
cepillarse el pelo | to brush one's hair |
cepillarse los dientes | to brush one's teeth |
despertarse (e:ie) | to wake up |
dormirse (o:ue) | to go to sleep; to fall asleep |
ducharse | to take a shower |
enojarse (con) | to get angry (with) |
irse | to go away; to leave |
lavarse la cara | to wash one's face |
lavarse las manos | to wash one's hands |
levantarse | to get up |
el baño, el cuarto de baño | bathroom |
el champú | shampoo |
la crema de afeitar | shaving cream |
la ducha | shower |
el espejo | mirror |
el inodoro | toilet |
el jabón | soap |
el despertador | alarm clock |
las pantuflas | slippers |
el lavabo | sink |
el maquillaje | makeup |
la pasta de dientes | toothpaste |
la toalla | towel |