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AM GOV Exam #2

Types of freedoms for groups of people to participate fully in the public? Civil Rights
Kind of discrimination is done through laws Dejure Discrimination
The legal classification that deals with discrimination around race... Suspect classification
Laws passed after the Civil war that recreated the power relations of slavery Jim Crow laws
The systematic way of treating women differently to their detriment... Gender bias
The type of freedoms that focuses on individuals and limit government... Civil liberties
Clause of the 1st amendment that guarantees that citizens may freely engage in religious activities... Free exercise clause
The judicial test that helps define obscenity... The Miller test
The approach to the constitution holds that the constitution is a living document that requires consideration of changing times and values... Judicial interpretivism
What court case established the right to privacy? Griswold v. Connecticut
What house of congress serves six year terms? The Senate
What house of congress has a rules committee? The House of Representatives
What house of congress is equal representation of the states? The Senate
In the Senate, what do they use to end a filibuster? Clopture
In the House and the Senate, who are the people that count votes of members on legislation? The Whips
Tendency for the presidential party to lose congressional seats in off-year elections Midterm Loss
An election in which there is no incumbent running Open seat election
The process of redistricting with political intent Gerrymandering
Recent phenomena where commitment to party is very strong Hyperpartisanship
The event that begins the process of redistricting every 10 years U.S Census
Legislation representation involves members bringing money and benefits back to their district Allocative representation
Kinds of services are when members of congress help voters with problems with the federal government Constituent services
Theory is one way to explain why we hate congress so much Principal-agent theory
One reason why we are so sensitive to congressional action and corruption The payer/decider split
Activity of congress keeps an eye on federal agencies Congressional Oversight
Conference committee would be found at this stage of the legislative process End of process
Permanent committee of the house or the senate Standing committee
_____ & Committees are the primary way congress is organized Parties
The degree to which a legislature looks like the population it represents is known as Descriptive representation
defamation of character by the spoken word Slander
Created by: onesty
Popular American Government sets




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