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Italian -ARE verbs

-ARE verbs

parlare to speak
imparare to learn
visitare to visit
ricordare to remember
terminare to finish
pranzare to eat lunch
mandare to send, to throw
abitare to inhabit
usare to use
ringraziare to thank
lasciare to leave
sembrare to seem
presentare to present
spiegare to explain
pregare to pray
sperare to hope
camminare to walk, to travel
assicurare to assume
desiderare to desire
comandare to order
studiare to study
telefonare to telephone
dimenticare to forget
aspettare to wait
inviare to send out, dispatch
aiutare to help
trovare to find
passare to pass, go by
restare to remain
osservare to observe
raccontare to tell (about)
tentare to attempt
passeggiare to walk, to stroll
scusare to excuse
avvicinare to bring near
ammirare to admire
cercare to look for
provare to try, test
ascoltare to hear
insegnare to teach
tornare to return
iniziare to begin
arrivare to arrive
cenare to eat dinner
incontrare to meet
preparare to prepare
accettare to accept
giocare to play (sport, game)
portare to carry
diventare to become
lavorare to work
accompagnare to accompany
dimostrare to demonstrate
lavare to wash
immaginare to imagine
informare to inform
allontanare to take/move away
prenotare to book
guardare to watch
entrare to enter
cominciare to begin
mangiare to eat
rifiutare to refuse
suonare to play (instrument)
pensare to think
chiamare to call
continuare to continue
mostrare to show
occupare to occupy
girare to turn
salutare to greet
guidare to drive, guide
ordinare to organize
riservare to reserve
mancare to be lacking, missing
Created by: Ataraksija
Popular Italian sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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