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Italian -ARE verbs
-ARE verbs
Term | Definition |
parlare | to speak |
imparare | to learn |
visitare | to visit |
ricordare | to remember |
terminare | to finish |
pranzare | to eat lunch |
mandare | to send, to throw |
abitare | to inhabit |
usare | to use |
ringraziare | to thank |
lasciare | to leave |
sembrare | to seem |
presentare | to present |
spiegare | to explain |
pregare | to pray |
sperare | to hope |
camminare | to walk, to travel |
assicurare | to assume |
desiderare | to desire |
comandare | to order |
studiare | to study |
telefonare | to telephone |
dimenticare | to forget |
aspettare | to wait |
inviare | to send out, dispatch |
aiutare | to help |
trovare | to find |
passare | to pass, go by |
restare | to remain |
osservare | to observe |
raccontare | to tell (about) |
tentare | to attempt |
passeggiare | to walk, to stroll |
scusare | to excuse |
avvicinare | to bring near |
ammirare | to admire |
cercare | to look for |
provare | to try, test |
ascoltare | to hear |
insegnare | to teach |
tornare | to return |
iniziare | to begin |
arrivare | to arrive |
cenare | to eat dinner |
incontrare | to meet |
preparare | to prepare |
accettare | to accept |
giocare | to play (sport, game) |
portare | to carry |
diventare | to become |
lavorare | to work |
accompagnare | to accompany |
dimostrare | to demonstrate |
lavare | to wash |
immaginare | to imagine |
informare | to inform |
allontanare | to take/move away |
prenotare | to book |
guardare | to watch |
entrare | to enter |
cominciare | to begin |
mangiare | to eat |
rifiutare | to refuse |
suonare | to play (instrument) |
pensare | to think |
chiamare | to call |
continuare | to continue |
mostrare | to show |
occupare | to occupy |
girare | to turn |
salutare | to greet |
guidare | to drive, guide |
ordinare | to organize |
riservare | to reserve |
mancare | to be lacking, missing |